.EAD Auto Extension Details v1.9

.EAD Auto Extension Details v1.9

This option can be used to automatically update Section 2 EAD expiration date for the employee transactions who received automatic extension to their expiring EADs for 180 days. The EAD auto extension details includes two setup options:

  • Enable EAD Auto Extension Auto Create - Check this checkbox if you wish to schedule a batch process to run on recurrence for auto creation of EAD auto extension process.
  • Summary Digest Notification Pool - Contains a list of contacts for sending email notification when auto creation of EAD auto extension process is triggered. 

When the AE for EAD Auto Extension is enabled, it launches invitations for the I-9s that are eligible for auto extension and opens Section 2 activity for the I-9 Specialists in edit mode with EAD expiry date extended to 180 days. 

How to enable EAD Auto Extension Auto Create process?

In the I-9 Options page, click the checkbox Enable EAD Auto Extension Auto Create.

This enables an AE that can be scheduled to run every night for auto extending employee's EAD expiry date to 180 days.

For sending emails to users when this process is triggered, click on the lookup icon and select participant pool.

Contact list lookup

Select participant pool

If you want to setup other processes (Reverification/Receipt update or both), enter those details as well. Click Save.

The list of contacts specified in the notification pool will receive the following email with the total I-9s that are auto extended.

What transactions are eligible for auto create EAD auto extension?

The transactions must satisfy the following conditions to be considered for EAD auto extension for 180 days:

  • The process associated with the I-9 ID must be in completed status (E-Verification completed) with EAD as document title in Section 2 and the category code entered must be the eligibility category code/class requested for extension. 
    Note: Transactions completed with E-Verification on hold like "Applied for SSN" do not qualify for EAD auto extension, unless it is a "COVID-19 RUP: Receipt Update Required" transaction.
    (List B - an acceptable expired document that has NOT been extended by the Issuing Authority i.e. the State DMV or State DPS and List C - Employment Authorized Document (DHS) with category code entered is the eligibility category code/class requested for extension. For details on "COVID-19 RUP: Receipt Update Required" transactions, please click here)
  • Must have 2 days to the EAD expiration date (Current day + 1 day)

For example, let us consider a completed Section 2 transaction satisfying the above conditions.

a) In List A or List C the Document Title must be Employment Authorization Document (EAD)

Document Title = EAD

When the Document Title is EAD, an additional field is populated in Section 2 to capture the category codes. Selecting this field is optional. For the transaction to be eligible for EAD auto extension, having a value in this field is a must. 

b) Eligibility Category Code/Class Requested must exist and the value must be one of the category codes - A03, A05, A07, A08, A10, C08, C09, C10, C16, C20, C22, C24, C31, and A12 or C19.

Eligibility Category Code

The value of the Category Code is carried forward to all the pages where Section 2 details are printed such as in E-Verify pages (Create Case page, Mark as Complete page, Unconfirmed Data page), Section 3 pages and in I-9 Master. If Section 2 is completed without selecting a value in category code, the field value displays as "N/A" in all the above mentioned pages. Also, the transaction with N/A category code is not eligible for EAD auto extension.

Example: Category Code displayed in I-9 Master

C) EAD expires in two days compared to current date

Below example shows the expiration date of candidate's EAD.

 How do you complete Section 2 for EAD auto extended transactions?

The EAD auto extended transactions show under My Tasks Console and in Elasticsearch My Tasks Category for the I-9 Specialist. Such transactions will have the Business Process as 'Sec-2 Corr|Receipt Upd|EAD Ext'. 

My Tasks Console

Elasticsearch My Tasks Category

Section 2 opens up with 180 days added to the previous expiration date. Note that the "I-9 Section 2 Correction Reason" is automatically completed with reason as "EAD Auto Extension". Since the E-Verification is already completed with the primary process, the E-Verify option here is not selected.

The completed activity of the Reason page shows as below.

Note that the additional information field has data populated from the primary flow. And the document expiration date is populated with 180 days added to the previous expiration date.

Section 2

Review the extended expiration date and electronically sign Section 2.

After completing this process, the extended expiration date in Section 2 is updated as WAE date in I-9 Master (irrespective of "Work Authorization Until Date" entered in I-9 Section 1).

I-9 Master

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