Benefits Enrollment

Benefits Enrollment

On this page, you will have a choice to enroll for the Medical, Dental and Vision benefits.

Select the option "No" if you do not want to enroll for Medical benefits. If "No" is selected, the Medical Coverage Waiver form displays down the Medical benefits section as shown below.

Complete this form and then proceed to other sections i.e Dental and Vision plans.

Completed Medical Coverage Waiver Form

Click "Yes" if you want to enroll for Medical benefits. A drop down will display all the Benefit Plans configured in the system.

Select any Medical Benefit Plan that is applicable to you from the list. If the selected plan has downloadable attachment(s) configured in the Benefit Plan setup, then it will appear next to the Benefit Plan. 

You can download and view the attachment by clicking on the download icon. 

If you have any other medical insurance, select "Yes" in other medical insurance option and enter the insurance details as given below.

Similarly, enter the options for Dental and Vision benefit plans.

Complete the Benefit Enrollment details and save the changes.

To download the signed forms of the completed activity, click the "Download Signed Forms" icon located in the bottom right corner of the page.

After completing the activity, you can still modify any entered data before submitting it to HR by reopening the activity in edit mode. In edit mode, you may notice a different attachment than the one you initially completed the flow with.

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