To access the personal profile, search for the employee’s name and click the “Personal” tab. The highlighted sections below display the updated person data in ADP.
Below is where you may access Complete Job Details section page fields in ADP.
Click here to see the list...
Complete Job Details section | Field | Section/Field in ADP |
Personal | First Name | Person Profile → Name → Legal Name |
| Middle Name | Person Profile → Name → Legal Name |
| Last Name | Person Profile → Name → Legal Name |
| Gender | Person Profile → Demographics → Gender for Insurance Coverage |
| Date of Birth | Person Profile → Demographics → Birth date |
| Tax ID Type | Person Profile → Tax ID (SSN) |
| National ID | Person Profile → Tax ID (SSN) |
| National ID Country | Person Profile → Tax ID (SSN) |
| *Applied For SSN | *Currently Applied for SSN is not supported |
| Start Date | Person Profile → Hire Date |
| Company Code | Employment Profile → Position → Company Code |
| Reason for Hire | Employment Profile → Position → Hire Reason |
| Salutation | Person Profile → Name → Salutation |
| Generation Suffix | Person Profile → Name → Generation Suffix |
| Professional Suffix | Person Profile → Name → Professional Suffix |
| Preferred Name | Person Profile → Name → Preferred or Chosen Name |
Legal Address | Legal Address | Person Profile → Addresses → Primary Address |
Secondary Address | Secondary Address | Person Profile → Addresses → Secondary Address |
Contact Information | Home Phone | Person Profile → Contact → Home Phone |
| Personal Cell | Person Profile → Contact → Personal Mobile |
| Email ID | Person Profile → Contact → Personal Email |
| Home Fax | Person Profile → Contact → Personal Fax |
| Personal Pager | Person Profile → Contact → Personal Pager |
| Marital Status Race ID Method | Person Profile → Demographics → Marital Status Person Profile → Demographics → Ethnicity/Race ID Method |
| EEO Ethnic Code | Person Profile → Demographics → Race |
| Ethnicity | Person Profile → Demographics → Ethnicity |
| Tobacco User | Person Profile → Demographics → Tobacco User |
| Medicare | Person Profile → Demographics → Medicare |
| Medicaid | Person Profile → Demographics → Medicaid |