.Pre-Screening Activities v1.3
What are Pre-Screening Activities?
The New Hire's onboarding process consists of activities and groups of activities (called steps). In the Pre-Screening step, the candidate enters information about themselves, including disclosures and required forms that the company selected or made. For more information about how to have more or less requirements for New Hires, go to New Hire Onboarding Activities.
Different activities for Pre-Screening |
How do I complete the Pre-Screening Activities?
This can be done in any order that has a clock beside it, but the locked activities typically need the activity before it to be completed before moving to that activity. Submit Pre-Screen Information needs all of the ones above to have been completed before it unlocks.
By going through everything under the Pre-Screening Activities, and any necessary Pre-Screening review by the HR Specialist, you can move on to the New Hire Forms.
Background Check Disclosures
After reading the disclosure, click on the box to check acknowledgement.
Click Continue.
Background Check Disclosures Activity |
Background Check Authorization
Read the authorization, then click the box to check acknowledgement.
Click Electronically Sign.
Background Authorization Activity |
Background Profile Form
Select an option and click Next.
Note: Throughout these processes, you can click Save as Draft to save any information that you have entered, so if you leave the page, it will still have that information filled out.
Background Profile Form Activity |
Click on Yes or No for Other Names.
If you resided in Puerto Rico, fill out the information.
Click Next.
Profile Information |
Fill out the information. The blue boxed fields are required.
Note: if you put Drivers License, you need to fill out that information as well.
Driving License Information and Names on IDs |
Enter your residence information for the last 7 years (in this example).
The other information for current address is autofilled, and can be changed.
Indicate when you resided at that address.
Click Next.
Residence Address Information |
Note the blue boxed fields are required.
If you select that you have no prior employment, you do not have to click on the bottom box.
Otherwise, fill out every blue box field.
Click Next.
Previous Employment Information |
Select Yes or No.
Click Save.
Criminal History |
Education Information
Fill out the information that has asterisks.
Click the box at the end to certify.
Click Save.
Education Verification Activity |
Employment Verification
Fill out the fields.
Click on the last two boxes in blue.
Click Save.
Employment Verification Activity |
Drug & Alcohol Test Policy
Click on the download symbol to be able to review the Drug and Alcohol Test Policy.
Click e-sign.
Drug & Alcohol Test Policy |
Drug & Alcohol Test Authorization
Select Yes or No.
Click the box to acknowledge reading the authorization.
Click on Electronically Sign.
Drug & Alcohol Test Authorization |
Hepititis B Vaccination Confirmation
Select one of the choices.
Click on the box to agree to provide signature.
Click on Electronically Sign.
Hepatitis B Immunization Form |
Submit Pre-Screen Information
Click on the box to acknowledge.
Click on Electronic Acknowledgement.
Submit Pre-Screen Information Activity |
The page will give you a confirmation that you are done with Pre-Screening Activities.
If your onboarding process had "hold" selected, the HR Specialist will process and then you can start the New Hire Forms (if not, you can continue).
End Screen of Pre-Screening Activities |
© Smart ERP Solutions, Inc.