.Reverification Correction v1.8
Reverfication correction allows users to correct reverfication details of an I-9 ID. This option is available in I-9 Console actions only when Section 3 Correction is enabled in org level I-9 setup page and a prior completed reverification process exists for the I-9 ID.
For enabling Section 3 Correction in org level I-9 setup, please refer Section 3 Corrections page.
How to access Reverification Correction?
The reverfication correction option is available in I-9 Console actions, only when there is a prior completed reverification for the I-9 ID. select a completed reverification transaction in Reverify Console.
The selected transaction will have a row in I-9 Master with S3 Reason as 'Reverify'.
Section 3 of I-9 Master |
Now let us access the transaction in I-9 Console. Click the Menu icon and navigate to I-9 Console.
I-9 Console |
Search for the I-9 ID and click Info and Actions.
I-9 Console |
You will notice Reverification Correction under Actions tab for the I-9 ID.
I-9 Console actions |
The latest reverfication row from I-9 Master opens up in edit mode. The process picks the maximum effective dated and sequenced row If multiple rows exists in I-9 Master for reverfication.
Make changes to Section 3 details, check I Agree and Electronically Sign.
Section 3 in edit mode |
What is the difference between initiating reverification and reverification correction?
Once the I-9 reverification process is complete, both 'Reverification Correction' and 'Initiate Reverification' options display in I-9 Console under actions (provided Section 3 correction is enabled in Org level I-9 setup options page and WAE date is within reverification trigger days). Both the options allow changing reverification details, but the difference is how the row is added in I-9 Master. Correction is for changing existing reverification details whereas reverification adds a new Section 3 sequenced row. Correction increments the rows with effective date/sequence of the appropriate S3 Reason (Reverify) Section 3 sequence number while initiating reverification adds a new S3 Reason sequence numbered row.
Reverification Correction:
I-9 Master |
Initiate Reverification:
I-9 Master |
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