.I-9 Summary v1.9

.I-9 Summary v1.9

What makes up an I-9 Summary page?

I-9 Summary shows the following details of an I-9 transaction.

  • Quick link to I-9 details
  • Quick Link to I-9 Audit page
  • Process Viewer
  • Download of I-9 Packet
  • Current I-9 Status
  • I-9 Progress
  • I-9 Life Cycle
  • I-9 DHS Case Details
  • Employee information
  • DHS Correspondence letters like FANs/TNC Referrals
  • Download links to all eligibility documents submitted by the New Hire

Who can access I-9 Summary?

The following checked role types can access I-9 Summary page.

When do you access I-9 Summary?

The I-9 Summary page can be accessed any time after the I-9 ID is created for the New Hire and the data is shown in the I-9 Console page. The page has all the I-9 information that the user might want to know about a New Hire.

How do you access I-9 Summary?

There are two ways to access I-9 Summary.

  • Access via I-9 Console
  • Access via Elasticsearch

Access via I-9 Console

Click on the I-9 ID for a New Hire and select I-9 Summary. It opens a new window for the I-9 Summary page. 

Access via Elasticsearch

Click on the Elasticsearch icon. Select "Invitations" as Category, enter the search keyword and click "Search" button.

Click on "..." and select "I-9 Summary" option.

How the details on the I-9 summary page differ?

The details shown on the I-9 summary page for a New Hire differ depending on where the New Hires are in their process. For instance, the link to the Case Number display only when the USCIS E-Verify process is initiated. If the New Hire's E-Verify is kept pending ( in cases like "Applied for SSN" or "Receipts"), the summary page shows the details of the I-9 status as deferred.

If preparers/translators are added in Section 1, then the preparer details show under "Preparer Information" section.

The Quick link to "Audit Details" display the I-9 data changes. The I-9 Life Cycle to the right shows the steps as the I-9 transaction moves from one state to another. The status of the I-9 shown in the "I-9 Life Cycle" as well as in the "I-9 Progress" are same.

Let us see the I-9 summary page for different scenarios. Given below is an I-9 Summary page of a New Hire's I-9 transaction with DHS status "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed".

New Hire's I-9 information with 'Case Closed' I-9 Status

The below given summary is for a New Hire I-9 transaction having DHS verification in deferred status. 

New Hire's I-9 information having 'Deferred' DHS status

If preparer(s) are added in I-9 Section 1 (maximum five preparers can be added), the I-9 Summary page includes the preparers details as follows. This section will not show up if preparers are not added in Section 1. 

I-9 Summary with Preparer Information

I-9 Summary without Preparer Information

How do you access Form I-9 details from the summary page?

Let us consider an I-9 with "Awaiting Section 2" status. Click on the I-9 ID link provided on the top of the summary page. 

The I-9 information is displayed as below. The I-9 Specialist can view the details, but cannot perform any action (Save/Electronically Sign) from here.

The following error message will display if you click on "Save/Electronic Signature" of the Section 2 activity.

The uploading of attachments is also not allowed from here. The users can just view them by clicking on the gadget icon provided at the bottom right corner.

Attachments Gadget Icon

View Attachments

How can you view I-9 audit details from the summary page?

Any changes made to the I-9 data or forms can be viewed in audit details. Click on the link provided on the top of the summary page.

There is also an alternate method to access I-9 audit details. This is from I-9 Console → I-9 ID.

I-9 Audit from I-9 Console

Since the selected I-9 ID has an additional process associated to it, the audit details contain two grids dedicated one for each process.

What details do you see in the I-9 progress?

The status shown here under Section 1, Section 2 and DHS E-Verify depends on how far the New Hire's I-9 process is in progress. It includes the status, name of the user who completed the activity and the signed date (only the first signed date is displayed no matter how many times it is edited and signed later). In case if the E-Verify case is created, it shows the DHS Case Number and the Case ID generated in the system.

In case if receipt is presented by the employee or if the employee is applied for SSN and the E-Verify is on hold, the DHS status shows as "Deferred" as shown in the below screenshot.

What information is included in the employee information?

The employee information of the I-9 Summary includes employee personal information such as the name details, phone number, email address, Date of Birth, SSN, eligibility type, employment Start Date and I-9 Hire/Rehire dates. The Start Date is derived from the New Hire's invitation, I-9 Hire Date is from the Section 2 activity and I-9 Rehire Date is from Section 3 of a rehire scenario. Until the Hire Date is entered in Section 2 and the activity is saved/signed, the I-9 Hire Date will not be populated in the I-9 Summary. 

I-9 Hire Date after completing Section 1

The Hire Date entered in Section 2 will be populated here only after saving/signing the activity.

If the Hire Date in Section 2 is modified and saved/signed (in cases like Section 2 edit/correction), the I-9 Hire date on the I-9 Summary will be updated automatically with this new value.

I-9 Hire Date after completing Section 2

For rehire scenarios, the employee information includes I-9 Rehire Date which will be derived from Section 3 Rehire Date.

How do you access the preparer(s) details in I-9 Summary?

The preparers details are included in the I-9 Summary page only if preparers/translators are added in Section 1.

When preparers are not invited in Section 1, this information is not included in the I-9 Summary page.

Example of I-9 Summary page without preparer's information:

Example of I-9 Summary with preparer's information:

(Note: Up to five preparers can be added in Section 1)

How can you download New Hire's I-9 related documents?

The New Hire's I-9 related documents can be downloaded to print or preserve the records.  This produces a zip file containing the pdfs of Form I-9 and I-9 Audit.

Click on Download Packet provided on the top right corner of the I-9 Summary page.

A zip folder downloads in your local computer. Click on the zip file name to open the files. It includes DHS letters and supporting documents folders (if any) and PDFs of I-9 Audit and Form I-9.

Download Zip Folder

DHS letters include the TNC Further Action notice and TNC Referral Date Confirmation notice.

The supporting documents includes the documents uploaded in Section 1 and Section 2.

How do you check the document uploads?

The attachments that are uploaded in Section 1/Section 2 are seen under "Uploaded Documents". Click on the link(s) to see the attachments.

Let us check the runtime I-9 Section 1 page for attachments. Click on the "View Process" button on the I-9 Summary page.

The process viewer page opens as shown below.

Scroll down the page and click on "I-9 Section 1" link.

This opens the runtime Section 1 page. Click on "Attachments" gadget.

The Section 1 attachments shows as below.

What documents do you see under DHS letters? 

The documents (TNC Further Action Notice and TNC Referral Date Confirmation Notice) that are downloaded during E-Verify process can be accessed from here.

There are two ways to access these documents. One way is by clicking on the "Download Packet" button and downloading the New Hire's I-9 documents and another way is by clicking on the links displayed under "DHS Letters".

When clicked on Download Packet, the zip file gets downloaded as shown below. Click on it to open the file.

Open DHS Letters folder.

The folder will have the pdfs of all the DHS letters. Click on pdfs to open the documents.

In the above example, the DHS letters include TNC Further Action Notice (English & Spanish) and TNC Referral Date Confirmation Notice (English).

Further Action Notice (English)

Further Action Notice (Spanish)

Referral Date Confirmation Notice (English)

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