.Verification Vendors v1.6

.Verification Vendors v1.6

What are Verification Vendors?

Verification Vendors are other company's services and forms that can be used to check your employees for various information.These vendors can be used for many things, beyond education and employment verification.

Below is where you can specify whether the individual New Hire requires a background verification or not. This is when a HR Specialist or Recruiter creates a new invitation.

Create Onboarding Invitation - Job Information



Why are Verification Vendors important?

Verification Vendors are important to gain more specified information about the New Hire, as well as being able to easily integrate a system that is legally sound. The purpose may vary, but can be used for checking references, investigative services, affirmative action, educational background checking, employment background checking, and other services. These services are extremely important for protecting both your company and the employee.

How do you activate an existing Verification Vendor into the selection list?

Smart Onboarding includes some common Verification Vendors, but none of them are active in the invitation lookup initially.  You should use the process described below to activate the vendor(s) that your organization is intended to use.

Click on Review/Update under Verification Vendors.

Manage Content Revision Page



Choose a Verification Vendor that you want to activate.

Verification Vendors Page



Click Save.

Background Verification Vendor Setup Page



Click on Return.

Verification Vendors Page



Click Return to Manage Revision to return the Manage Revision page.

Manage Content Revision Page



Click Apply.

Manage Revision Page



The activated Verification Vendors are available in the lookup when a HR Specialist or Recruiter creates a new invitation.

Create Onboarding Invitation - Job Information - Lookup Verification Vendor ID



How do you add a new Verification Vendor?

If your organization uses a Verification Vendor that is not in the list that shows using Review/Update, you can add the vendor from a longer list using the Add button.

Click on Add under Verification Vendors.

Manage Content Revision



Enter the information. See the chart below for more information on what these fields are.

Click Save.

Background Verification Vendor Setup Page

  • A description or title of the verification vendor
Effective Status
Background Vendor ID
  • Click on the lookup for the options of vendors
  • This list has many more vendors than in the list for Review/Update
Entry Method
  • Online Form: Pulls from the form that is bound to that vendor ID
  • External Link: Adds a new line, "Verification Form URL," in which you insert a URL that has a form for that specific vendor


Click Return to Manage Revision.

Manage Content Revision Page



Click Apply.

Manage Revision Page


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