.Benefits v1.9

.Benefits v1.9

What are benefits?

An organization can offer various types of benefits to their employees in addition to their regular wages. The benefits package differ considerably for each organization and may include health, life, disability and others. Smart Onboarding allows users to create effective benefit plans and benefit programs that are unique to their organizations.

Who can access Benefits Setup and Configuration pages?

The System Administrators are the only users who can access Benefits Setup and Configuration pages.

How to add benefits activity to the New Hire's onboarding?

Adding benefits activity in the New Hire's onboarding includes the following steps:

  • Add benefit program in the Attribute Revision
  • Add and configure benefits in the business process
  • Attach the benefit program to the New Hire's invitation
  • New Hire's enrollment in the company benefits

Add benefit program attribute in the Attribute Revision

The first step is adding the defined benefit program to its parent attribute in the Attribute Revision. For this, use an existing Attribute Revision and modify or create a new Attribute Revision.

In the Attribute Revision page, select Benefit Program attribute.

Insert the defined benefit program as a child to its parent attribute.

Add the defined Benefit Program in the Manage Revision Attribute page as indicated below and click Save.

You can see the Benefit Program added to its parent attribute.

Return to Manage Revision page and apply Attribute Revision.

Add and configure benefits in the business process

The next step is adding benefits activity in the business process. This can be done using a Process Revision.

You can either search for an existing revision to modify, or create a new Process Revision. When configuring the Process Revision, click on Configure Business Process Rules.

Process Revision Page

Configure benefits activity in the business process. Scroll down to "Benefits" and add them under Generic Benefits. Click on each of them to specify its routing criteria. This will decide which user will see the benefits activity in their onboarding. For information on adding criteria details click here.

Configure Business Process Rules

Add criteria with Company Benefits Enrollment value as "Yes" and the Benefits Program Attribute value created through the Attribute Revision (shown in the above step) as "Is Not Blank" and click "Save". Follow the same procedure for all the newly added benefits.

Save and apply the Process Revision.

Attach a benefit program to the New Hire invitation

For adding and defining a benefit program in the New Hire invitation, click this link

New Hire's enrollment in the company benefits 

For the benefits to appear in the onboarding process, the New Hire must enroll for company benefits. That means they must choose an 'Yes' in Benefit Elections option. 

If 'No' option is selected, the onboarding process will skip this benefits activity.

Below screenshot shows benefits activity added in the onboarding process for the New Hire. For more details on adding benefits activity, please click here.

How to complete benefits activities?

Benefits enrollment for dependents/beneficiaries includes the following step:

Note: The following details include the recent changes/enhancements that are implemented to the benefits activity. For the transactions that are already process completed, a conversion App Engine will be run to apply these new changes. 

Define Dependents & Beneficiaries

The first step in benefits activities is adding the dependent/beneficiary information. 

The "Define Dependents & Beneficiaries" page can have the self/candidate row of the New Hire displayed by setting the "AllowDependentSelf" property value in product preferences. The System Administrator can decide whether to hide/unhide the Self row on this page by toggling the value of  "AllowDependentSelf" property to OFF/ON in Product Preferences. 

The system is delivered with  "AllowDependentSelf" property ‘OFF’ as default in Product Preferences. The default value of  "AllowDependentSelf" property and the corresponding runtime page are shown below.

Product Preferences with "AllowDependentSelf" = OFF

Define Dependents & Beneficiaries page with no Self record

This default value can be changed by the System Administrators to match the behavior how they would like in their system. 

If the value of "AllowDependentSelf" property is set to "ON" the Self record of the candidate displays on the page.  

"Define Dependents & Beneficiaries" page with Self record

To add a dependent/beneficiary, click on "Add Person" button.

Enter all the fields in the page shown below. The fields with asterisk ' * ' are required. The validation messages trigger if the required fields are not entered.


Error message when "Type" is blank

The details of each section of this page is discussed below:


  • The field id auto populated
  • Increases in sequential order starting from "01"
Relationship to Employee
  • Required field
  • Select an option indicating the relationship to the dependent/beneficiary

  • When this value is selected, the default dependent/beneficiary "Type" is auto populated

  • Required field

  • The default dependent/beneficiary "Type" is auto populated when the relationship is selected in the previous field
  • This value can be modified to another option that is appropriate to the relationship
Name Prefix
  • Select prefix of the dependent/beneficiary name

First Name
  • Required field
  • Enter first name of the dependent/beneficiary
Middle Name
  • Enter middle name of the dependent/beneficiary
Last Name
  • Required field
  • Enter last name of the dependent/beneficiary
Name Suffix
  • Select suffix of the dependent/beneficiary name

Fill out the fields as indicated below:

The name fields trigger error messages when invalid values are entered.

When "Relationship to Employee" is selected, the default value of dependent/beneficiary "Type" is auto populated. When modifying the default value for "Type", make sure it is appropriate to the relationship selected. Otherwise, the following error message displays on the page and you may have to modify your entries.

There is no mandatory to add beneficiaries in this activity, unless the "ReqBeneficiary" property is set to "ON" in Product Preferences. As per the default setting, the "ReqBeneficiary" is set to "OFF" with no mandatory to add Beneficiary in this activity. 

But the System Administrator can change this default setting to make the Beneficiary as required by changing the "ReqBeneficiary" property to "ON". Then, at least one person needs to be added as either Beneficiary or Dependent & Beneficiary before saving the activity.

The error message displays as follows if the activity is saved without adding Beneficiary or Dependent & Beneficiary.

Person Details:

Date of Birth
  • The field is required when property "DepDOBRequired" is checked for Dependent
  • Not required for the Beneficiary or when property "DepDOBRequired" is unchecked for Dependent/Dependent & Beneficiary
  • Must not be greater than the current date
  • Required field
  • Male/Female
Marital Status
  • Required field

Fill Time Student?

Select one radio button option


Select one radio button option

Actively Working?

Select one radio button option

Covered by Medicare

Select one radio button option

The System Administrators can use the property "DepDOBRequired" in Product Preferences to set the Date of Birth value as required/optional for "Dependent"/"Dependent & Beneficiary" Types.

The system is delivered with "DepDOBRequired" property "ON" and Date of Birth required for "Dependent"/"Dependent & Beneficiary" Types. This default value can be changed to optional by setting the "DepDOBRequired" property value to "OFF". 

However, for Type = "Beneficiary", this property is not applicable. The Date of Birth is always optional for them.

"DepDOBRequired" = ON

When "DepDOBRequired" property is set to "ON", the Date of Birth value is required for Types = "Dependent"/"Dependent & Beneficiary".

When "DepDOBRequired" = ON & Type = Dependent

When "DepDOBRequired" = ON & Type = Dependent & Beneficiary

In this case, if the value is not entered, the following error displays on the page:

When "DepDOBRequired" property is set to "OFF", the Date of Birth value is not required for Types = "Dependent"/"Dependent & Beneficiary".

"DepDOBRequired" = OFF

When "DepDOBRequired" = OFF & Type = Dependent

When "DepDOBRequired" = OFF & Type = Dependent & Beneficiary

In the above case (Date of Birth = not required & Type = "Dependent"/"Dependent & Beneficiary"), if Date of Birth is not entered the following error message displays:

When Type =  "Beneficiary", the Date of Birth is not required/optional.

Also, the Date of Birth value is validated against the current date and the following error message is displayed if it is greater than the current date.



  • When checked, the employee's Home address populates in the address fields
  • When unchecked, the employee may have to fill the dependent/beneficiary address
Address Type
  • Required field
  • Select Home/Mailing

  • Required field
  • Choose any Country from the drop down

  • Based on the Country selected, the values presented in the drop down for "State" varies
  • Required field
  • Enter main address
Address 2/Address 3
  • Enter additional address information
  • Required field
  • Enter the City name
  • Required field
  • Use the dropdown arrow to choose your state
  • Required field
  • Enter the Postal Code for the address mentioned above
  • Required field
  • The field opens based on the Country selected
  • Enter the County name
Lookup County
  • Use this link to access the look up for county or Zip code based on the address

When "Address Same as Employee" is checked, the dependent's/beneficiary's address defaults to the employee's Home address as given below. This "Address Type" can be changed to "Mailing" if the mailing address of the employee is to be populated.

When "Address Same as Employee" is unchecked, the dependent's/beneficiary's address has to be manually entered. Make sure the address fields are entered as required.

The Dependent/Beneficiary/Dependent & Beneficiary can be added with Country other than USA.

National ID


Supports selecting the country other than US

National ID Type

Based on the Country selected, the options presented in Nation ID Type drop down vary

National ID/SSNThe National ID is validated based on Country

The values presented in the drop down for the National ID Type is dependent on the Country. Few examples are shown below:

Country = Australia

Country = Brazil

Country = Singapore

Country = Hong Kong

The value entered in Nation ID is validated based on Country. Error message displays if the entered format is not specific to that country.

Country = USA

Country = Australia

The National IDs are also validated for duplicates for the same Dependent/Beneficiary Type. If the ID that you are trying to enter has already been entered for the person added with the same Type, then the following message appears and you may have to adjust the person's Type or correct the National ID of the person that is being added.

Phone Information:


  • When checked, the phone information of the employee populates on the page
  • When unchecked, the employee may have to enter the phone information
Int'l Prefix
  • International calling code
  • Phone number of the dependent/beneficiary
Phone extension
  • Additional/extension phone number
Phone Type
  • Indicate whether it is Cell/Home/Others
  • Check the checkbox if it is the preferred telephone number
  • Use this to delete the phone number if needed
Add Phone
  • Add an additional phone if needed
  • New row will be presented
  • Only one can be marked as Preferred

If "Same Phone as Employee" is checked, the employee's phone information populates on the page as shown below:

If "Same Phone as Employee" is unchecked, the phone information is to be entered.

Email Information:


  • When checked, the email information of the employee populates on the page
  • When unchecked, the employee may have to enter the email information
Email Address
  • Email address of the dependent/beneficiary
Email Type
  • Business, Other, Personal
  • Check the checkbox if it is the preferred email address
  • Only one can be marked as preferred
  • Use this option to delete an address if needed
Add Email
  • Add an additional phone if needed
  • New row will be presented
  • Only one can be marked as Preferred

If "Same Email as Employee" is checked, the employee's email information populates on the page as shown below:

If "Same Email as Employee" is unchecked, the email information is to be entered.

After entering all the information, click on "OK" button provided at the bottom of the page. 

The added dependent/beneficiary information shows on the main page as given below:

To see the details, click on the arrow on the right side of the grid.

Once all the Dependent/Beneficiary information is added, click on "Save". The individual information can be edited until the process is submitted to HR.

If any change is required after the process submit, then the process/activity may have to be restarted. This is discussed in the following section.

Benefits Enrollment

The Benefit Plans that are included in the Benefit Program are shown here under Benefits Enrollment.

Click "Yes" if you want to enroll for Medical benefits. A drop down is displayed to select the Medical Benefit Plan.

If you select "Yes" for other medical insurance, you will be asked to enter the insurance details.

After entering the medical insurance details, enter other benefits information and save. 

Once you are done entering the benefits information, click on "Save".

Life Insurance Designation

In this page, you will select the persons to add as primary and contingent beneficiaries for Term Life insurance. Click on "Save" once the information is added.

Voluntary Benefits Enrollment

Add Self details as well as dependents as indicated below to enroll for the Voluntary Benefits.

Can you delete the individuals from the benefits activity?

The individuals who are added as Dependents/Beneficiaries can be deleted if they are not enrolled in any benefits. Click on "Delete" to delete the Dependent/Beneficiary row.

Click "Yes" to continue.

The row gets deleted from the Dependent/Beneficiary list.

If the individual is enrolled in benefits, the following message displays when you try to delete the corresponding row.

How to edit benefits information after New Hire submits the process to HR?

After the process is submitted to HR, the New Hire cannot edit the onboarding information unless the activity/process is restarted by the HR Specialist. There are two ways to restart the benefits.

  • Restart Activity
  • Restart Process

Restart Activity:

Must be a HR Specialist to perform this action. 

Let us consider a New Hire's process with Submit to HR completed.

Restart activity through Invitation Console:

Select the Invitation ID for which you want to restart the benefits activity. Click on "Info and Actions" and select "Restart Activity" under Actions.

Info and Actions


Restart activity through Elasticsearch:

Click on the Elasticsearch icon and select "Invitations" in the Category drop down. Enter the keyword in the "Keywords" field and click "Search".

Here, Invitation ID is used as the search keyword. This displays the invitation in the search results. Click on actions and select "Restart Activities".

Select from the Restart Group dropdown which activity you want to restart. Each option in the Restart Group is a collection of different activities that was previously configured.  

To restart benefits activities, select "Correction to Benefit Forms" option from Restart Group dropdown.

Enter a comment explaining why you are restarting the activity and click "Submit".

Click "Ok" to continue.

Confirmation message shows as below:

The New Hire receives the following email about the restart activity.

The benefit activities show under pending tasks for the New Hire. By clicking on the link, the New Hire can open the activity and complete them.

Restart Process:

This option will restart the complete New Hire's process.

Restart process through Invitation Console:

Select the Invitation ID for which you want to restart the process. Click on "Info and Actions" and select "Restart Process" under Actions.

Info and Actions


Restart process through Elasticsearch:

Click on the Elasticsearch icon and select "Invitations" in the Category drop down. Enter the keyword in the "Keywords" field and click "Search".

Here, Invitation ID is used as the search keyword. This displays the invitation in the search results. Click on actions and select "Restart Process".

Select the Reason and enter a Comment explaining why you are restarting the process. Click on "Submit".

Click "OK" to continue.

This sends the following email to the New Hire to let them know that the process has been restarted.

The New Hire needs to start the onboarding process over, starting with the electronic disclosure. They can edit the benefit forms in the process and resubmit to HR.

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