.Sample scenarios v1.9
Depending on the Date of Birth entered in EBI (when I-9AutoFill = "ON") or I-9 Section 1 (When I-9AutoFill = "OFF"), the Section 1 behavior changes in the New Hire's process. Note: The I-9AutoFill property is only applicable to Smart Onboarding product. For more details on I-9AutoFill property, please click here.
Even after the completion of I-9 Section 1 activity, the New Hires can edit their Date of Birth details in EBI/I-9 Section 1 until they submit their onboarding details to HR. Few scenarios of New Hires editing their Date of Birth details from major to minor and vise versa are discussed below.
Scenarios with I-9AutoFill = ON
1) When Date of Birth is changed in EBI from major to minor
Major without preparer(s) to minor flow:
New Hire completes I-9 Section 1 as major with no preparer/translator added in the flow.
Navigate back to Employee Information and click on "Edit".
Change 'Date of Birth' to a minor value and save.
The Section 1 page opens as shown below. The minor value of Date of Birth that is updated in Employee Information reflects in Section 1 activity.
The flow automatically sets Preparer/Translator option as default and compels New Hire to opt for preparer(s) to complete the activity.
For adding new preparer(s) and completing the preparer's Section 1 flow, please refer to preparer/translator page. After preparer(s) completes their Section 1 activity, the "I Agree" check box is enabled for the New Hire. Until then, the "I Agree" checkbox shows as disabled.
The New Hire can check the "I Agree" checkbox and click on "Electronically Sign" button to complete the Section 1 activity.
Note: Only after Section 1 save or on activity completion, the signature of the New Hire changes to "minor under age 18".
When Section 1 is saved or activity completed as minor, the I-9 Master will have the "Minor" and "Preparer Exists?" flags enabled.
Form I-9 Master |
For the above transaction, the preparer details in I-9 Audit shows as below:
Major with preparer(s) to minor flow:
New Hire completes I-9 Section 1 as major with preparer/translator added in the flow.
Navigate back to Employee Information, edit the Date of Birth to a minor value and save.
The Section 1 page opens as shown below. The minor value of Date of Birth that is updated in Employee Information reflects in Section 1 activity.
The preparer(s) added in the earlier flow displays in the grid and "Invite New Preparer" button is enabled to invite new preparer(s) if needed. For adding new preparer(s) and completing the preparer's Section 1 flow, please refer to preparer/translator page.
if adding new preparer(s) is not needed, then the New Hire can check the "I Agree" checkbox and click on "Electronically Sign" button to complete the Section 1 activity. If new preparer(s) is added, then the New Hire cannot complete their Section 1 activity until the preparer's Section 1 is completed.
Note: Only after Section 1 save or on activity completion, the signature of the New Hire changes to "minor under age 18".
When Section 1 is saved or activity completed as minor, the I-9 Master will have the "Minor" and "Preparer Exists?" flags enabled.
Form I-9 Master |
For the above transaction, the preparer details in I-9 Audit shows as below:
2) When Date of Birth is changed in EBI from major to major
Major without preparer(s) to major flow:
New Hire completes I-9 Section 1 as major with no preparer/translator added in the flow.
Navigate back to Employee Information, edit the Date of Birth details to a major value (above 18 years of age) and save.
The Section 1 page opens as shown below. The Date of Birth that is updated in Employee Information reflects in Section 1 activity.
The New Hire will have an option to select the radio button to add prepares if needed and send an invite to them for completing the Section 1 activity. For adding new preparer(s) and completing the preparer's Section 1 flow, please refer to preparer/translator page.
If preparer(s) is not needed, then use "I did not use a preparer or translator" option in the preparer section, check "I Agree" and click on "Electronically Sign" button.
if preparer(s) are added and saved, then the New Hire cannot complete I-9 Section 1 until the preparer(s) completes/signs their Section 1 activity.
The "I Agree" checkbox will be disabled for the New Hire until preparer's Section 1 activity is completed. Only after preparer completes their Section 1, the "I Agree" check box will be enabled for the New Hire.
Once the preparer(s) completes their Section 1, the New Hire can check the "I Agree" checkbox and click on "Electronically Sign" button to complete the Section 1 activity.
When Section 1 is saved or activity completed with preparer(s), the I-9 Master will have the "Preparer Exists?" flag enabled.
Form I-9 Master |
For the above transaction, the preparer details in I-9 Audit shows as below:
Major with preparer(s) to major flow:
New Hire completes I-9 Section 1 as major with preparer/translator added in the flow.
Navigate back to Employee Information, edit the Date of Birth details to a major value (above 18 years of age) and save.
The Section 1 page opens as shown below. The Date of Birth that is updated in Employee Information reflects in Section 1 activity.
The preparer(s) added in the earlier flow displays in the grid and "Invite New Preparer" button is enabled to invite new preparer(s) if needed. For adding new preparer(s) and completing the preparer's Section 1 flow, please refer to preparer/translator page.
If adding new preparer(s) is not needed, then check "I Agree" and click on "Electronically Sign" button.
If preparer(s) are added and saved, then the New Hire cannot complete I-9 Section 1 until the preparer(s) completes/signs their Section 1 activity.
The "I Agree" checkbox will be disabled for the New Hire until preparer's Section 1 activity is completed.
Only after preparer completes their Section 1, the "I Agree" check box will be enabled for the New Hire.
Once the preparer(s) completes their Section 1, the New Hire can check the "I Agree" checkbox and click on "Electronically Sign" button to complete the Section 1 activity.
Since preparer exists in the primary flow, the I-9 Master will have the "Preparer Exists?" flag enabled.
Form I-9 Master |
For the above transaction, the preparer details in I-9 Audit shows as below:
3) When Date of Birth is changed in EBI from minor to major
New Hire completes I-9 Section 1 as minor with preparer/translator added in the flow.
For the minor flow, the I-9 Master will have the "Minor" and "Preparer Exists?" flags enabled as shown below.
Navigate back to Employee Information, edit the activity and change the Date of Birth to a major value (above 18 years of age) and save.
The Section 1 page opens as shown below. The Date of Birth that is updated in Employee Information reflects in Section 1 activity.
The preparer(s) added in the earlier flow displays in the grid and "Invite New Preparer" button is enabled to invite new preparer(s) if needed. For adding new preparer(s) and completing the preparer's Section 1 flow, please refer to preparer/translator page.
If preparer(s) are added and saved, then the New Hire cannot complete I-9 Section 1 until the preparer(s) completes/signs their Section 1 activity. The "I Agree" checkbox will be disabled for the New Hire until preparer's Section 1 activity is completed. If adding new preparer(s) is not needed, then check "I Agree" and click on "Electronically Sign" button.
Note: Only after Section 1 save or on activity completion, the signature of the New Hire changes from minor ("minor under age 18") to regular.
After completing Section 1 as major, the "Minor" flag is disabled in I-9 Master as shown below. Since the preparer still exists from the earlier flow, the "Preparer Exists?" flag shows as enabled.
Form I-9 Master |
The preparer details in I-9 Audit shows as below:
4) When Date of Birth is changed in EBI from minor to minor
New Hire completes I-9 Section 1 as minor with preparer/translator added in the flow.
Navigate back to Employee Information, edit the Date of Birth to a minor value and save.
The Section 1 page opens as shown below. The Date of Birth that is updated in Employee Information reflects in Section 1 activity.
The preparer(s) added in the earlier flow displays in the grid and "Invite New Preparer" button is enabled to invite new preparer(s) if needed. For adding new preparer(s) and completing the preparer's Section 1 flow, please refer to preparer/translator page.
If preparer(s) are added and saved, then the New Hire cannot complete I-9 Section 1 until the preparer(s) completes/signs their Section 1 activity. The "I Agree" checkbox will be disabled for the New Hire until preparer's Section 1 activity is completed. If adding new preparer(s) is not needed, then check "I Agree" and click on "Electronically Sign" button.
After save or on completion of the activity, the signature still reflects "minor under age 18" because the New Hire is a minor in the second flow.
The "Minor" and "Preparer Exists?" flags are enabled in I-9 Master as shown below:
Form I-9 Master |
The preparer details in I-9 Audit shows as below:
Scenarios with I-9AutoFill = OFF
1) When Date of Birth is changed in I-9 Section 1 from major to minor
Major without preparer(s) to minor flow:
New Hire completes I-9 Section 1 as major with no preparer/translator added in the flow.
Click on "Edit" button and change the Date of Birth in Section 1 to a minor value. The following error message displays on the page and the New Hire is not allowed to continue with this flow.
2) When Date of Birth is changed in I-9 Section 1 from major to major
Major without preparer(s) to major flow:
New Hire completes I-9 Section 1 as minor with preparer/translator added in the flow.
Click on "Edit" button and change the Date of Birth in Section 1 to a major value. The New Hire is not allowed to invite new preparer, but can complete the activity with the new Date of Birth.
3) When Date of Birth is changed in I-9 section 1 from minor to major
New Hire completes I-9 Section 1 as minor with preparer/translator added in the flow.
I-9 Master with "Minor" and "Preparer Exists?" flag:
Click on "Edit" button and change the Date of Birth in Section 1 to a major value. The earlier preparer data remains in the grid but will not allow New Hire to invite new preparers.
To complete Section 1, the New Hire should check "I Agree" and click on "Electronically Sign" button.
After completing Section 1, the Master data shows only the "Preparer Exists?" flag enabled.
4) When Date of Birth is changed in I-9 Section 1 from minor to minor
New Hire completes I-9 Section 1 as minor with preparer/translator added in the flow.
I-9 Master shows "Minor" and "Preparer Exists?" flag enabled as shown below:
Click on "Edit" button and change the Date of Birth in Section 1 to a major value. The earlier preparer data remains in the grid but will not allow New Hire to invite new preparers.
To complete Section 1, the New Hire should check "I Agree" and click on "Electronically Sign" button.
After completing Section 1, the "Minor" and "Preparer Exists?" flag remains enabled in I-9 Master.
© Smart ERP Solutions, Inc.