Assign I-9 to a Remote User

Assign I-9 to a Remote User


Remote users or Authorized Representatives are temporary users designated to complete I-9 Section 2 or Supplement B on behalf of the employer. I-9 Specialists can invite a new remote user or select an existing user from the system to serve as an Authorized Representative. Unlike other roles, remote users have restricted access within the Smart Onboarding process. Their tasks are limited to recording employee data in I-9 Section 2 or Supplement B (Reverification and Rehire), attaching and attesting to documents, and saving the transaction.

How to invite a new remote user?

Inviting a remote user from Section 2:

Log in as an I-9 Specialist and navigate to the My Tasks console. Open any Complete I-9 Section 2 activity.

Scroll to the bottom of the Section 2 page and click the "Assign Remote I-9" button.

Complete I-9 (Section 2)

Inviting a remote user from Supplement B:

Log in as an I-9 Specialist and navigate to the My Tasks console. Open any Complete I-9 Supplement B activity pending for Reverification, Rehire, or Name Change (formerly Section 3).

Scroll to the bottom of the Supplement B page and click the "Assign Remote I-9" button.

Complete I-9 (Supplement B)

The secondary page for assigning I-9 to a remote user will open as shown below. On this page, you can either choose a user from the existing list or invite a new user to the system. 

  • To select an existing user, click the "Select Representative" prompt and choose from the list.
  • To add a new user, click the "Add Authorized Representative" link.

Clicking the "Add Authorized Representative" link opens a page where you can enter the user details and send the invitation.

Enter First Name, Last Name, Phone and Email ID of the Authorized Representative. The country code for the phone number defaults to 001, so only U.S. phone numbers can be entered.

NOTE: Remote user details need to be entered only once when adding a remote user or Authorized Representative to the system. After being added, the user will appear in the "Select Representative" prompt for future transactions.

All fields on this page are required. If any field is left blank, a required field error message will be displayed. Additionally, entered values are validated, and appropriate error messages appear for any invalid entries.

If numbers or special characters are entered in the name fields, the following error displays upon field change:

If an invalid number is entered in the phone field, the below error displays:

The entered email ID is checked for existing records in the system. If it already exists, a message appears upon changing the field. Select "Yes" to proceed with adding the same email ID or "No" to modify the email details.

After entering all details, click the "Add Authorized Representative" button.

The details of the entered remote user will populate on the Assign Remote I-9 page. Assign the I-9 activity to the corresponding user by entering the reason and clicking the "Assign" button.

An email will be sent to the remote user containing the I-9 assignment details and a link for creating a user ID and password for their Smart Onboarding/Smart I-9 account. 

The email notification sent to the remote user will look like below:   
NOTE: The email with self registration link will be sent only when the remote user or Authorized Representative is invited the first time. Once the remote user creates the account and is active in the system, they only get an email notification about the transaction assigned to them but not for the self registration.

The remote user can register by clicking on the "click here" link in the email. Self Registration process is only for the first time to create an User ID and Password for account login. Once this user has an user ID and completes user onboarding, they can login to the system and complete the I-9 activity.

The "click here" link will redirect them to the following page where they can create their user account.

They should enter the User ID and Password and click "Next".

On the next page, they should verify their email and the telephone contacts and click "Register". This completes their self registration process.

The following message indicates the user account has been created. When clicked "OK" on this message, the user will be redirected to the login page.

On the login page, the remote user must log in using the above account credentials. The user will be redirected to the User Onboarding process. They will be redirected to the User Onboarding process, which must be completed before accessing the system. This is a one-time process that users are required to complete during their initial login.


Read and sign the Electronic Disclosure.

After completing the User Onboarding process, the user must log out and log in again to access the system.

Once logged into the system, the remote user will see the assigned I-9 under the I-9s Pending Review section. They can click the "I-9 ID" link to open the pending task and complete the activity.

Note: If there are no I-9s assigned, the homepage of the remote user will show the following message.

How to undo the assigned I-9 activity?

Before the remote user completes the assigned I-9 activity, the I-9 Specialist has the option to undo the assignment.

The example below shows an I-9 Section 2 activity after it has been assigned to a remote user. To undo the assigned I-9 activity, click the "Unassign Remote I-9" button provided at the bottom of the page.

Note: If the I-9 Specialist also holds the "Authorized Representative" role, a message will appear when accessing the assigned I-9 transaction. This message is shown to prevent the I-9 Specialist from making edits to the I-9 activity (Section 2/Supplement B) while it is assigned to a different remote user and has not yet been electronically signed. After closing this message, the I-9 Specialist can undo the I-9 assignment if needed by following the steps outlined below.

When the "Unassign Remote I-9" button is clicked, a page will open where the reason for cancelling the I-9 assignment can be entered. Enter the reason and click "Unassign".

Once the I-9 is unassigned, the remote user will be notified via an email.

After unassignment, the I-9 activity will be open for the I-9 Specialist for completing themselves or reassign to a different user.

How can a remote user send back the assigned I-9?

The "Send Back to Employer" option is available at the bottom of the I-9 activity (Section 2/Supplement B). Remote users can use this option if they decide not to complete the assigned I-9 activity and want to return it to the I-9 Specialist.

Transactions requiring attention will appear under the I-9s Pending Review section on the homepage. To send back the assigned I-9, the remote user must click the I-9 ID link to open the activity.

When the I-9 activity opens, click the "Send Back to Employer" button located at the bottom of the page.

This action opens a page where the remote user can enter the reason for sending the I-9 back to the employer. To proceed, click the "OK" button to submit the reason.

The sent back I-9 transaction will no longer be available under the I-9s Pending Review section.

The remote user will receive the following email about the sent back I-9 transaction. 

The I-9/E-Verify Specialist will also get an email about the I-9 which is sent back by the remote user.

How can a remote user complete I-9 Section 2 or Supplement B?

Completing I-9 Section 2:

Select an I-9 ID with I-9 state "Awaiting Remote I-9" under I-9s pending for review.

On the Section 2 page, enter the document details either in List A or in List B & List C. Click the "Add Additional Information" button if manual text input is required in the Additional Information field. This note will then be populated in the Additional Information field of Section 2 for the I-9 Specialist's review.

If an alternative procedure is used for document verification, select the "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" checkbox. Note: This alternative process is allowed only if the Legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) responsible for the employee's hiring is registered for E-Verify, meaning the Company or Business Unit is configured in the DHS Client Setup. If the Legal Entity is not enrolled in E-Verify, this checkbox will be disabled in Section 2.

When this checkbox is selected, uploading I-9 supporting documents as attachments in Section 2 is mandatory if the attachment was not provided by the New Hire in Section 1. Once the remote user attaches the supporting documents, the system will not prompt for additional attachments during the Section 2 review by the I-9 Specialist.

If the alternative procedure checkbox is selected and no attachment is provided in either Section 1 or Section 2, the following error message will appear upon saving the Section 2 activity.

For more details on uploading attachments in Section 2, please click here.

Even if the checkbox for "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" is not selected, you may still be prompted to upload attachments in Section 2 if they were not provided in Section 1, particularly if attachments are configured as mandatory in I-9 activities.

After entering the details, check "I Agree" and click the "Electronically Sign" button. 

Note: If the process is restarted, any Section 2 data entered in the primary process will not be retained, and you will need to re-enter the data in the restarted flow.

The following message will display on the page after completing the activity. Close the browser window and refresh your tasks on the home page.

The completed transaction will no longer appear under pending tasks but will be listed under the "Completed - Signed I-9s" section. You will see that the I-9 state of the transaction is changed to "Awaiting Remote I-9 Review."

The transaction will be in the I-9 Specialist's queue for review and completion.

Once the remote user completes the assigned I-9 activity, the I-9 Specialist will be informed via an email.

The I-9 Specialist can now access this transaction through their My Tasks console and review the details entered by the remote user.

Completing Supplement B:

Click on an I-9 ID with I-9 state "Awaiting Remote I-9 Supplement B" under I-9s pending for review.

This opens the Supplement B - formerly Section 3 (Reverification/Name Change/Rehire) as shown below. Based on the initiated process (Reverification/Name Change/Rehire), the fields available for adding/updating information on the Supplement B page will vary. Enter data into the fields wherever it is applicable.

Click the "Add Additional Information" button, if manual input of text in the Addition Information field is required. This note will then be populated in the Additional Information field of Supplement B for the I-9 Specialist's review.

If an alternative procedure is used for document verification, select the "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" checkbox. Note: This alternative process is allowed only if the Legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) responsible for the employee's hiring is registered for E-Verify, meaning the Company or Business Unit is configured in the DHS Client Setup. If the Legal Entity is not enrolled in E-Verify, this checkbox will be disabled in Supplement B.

When this checkbox is selected, uploading I-9 supporting documents as attachments in Supplement B is mandatory. Once the remote user attaches the supporting documents, the system will not prompt for additional attachments during the Supplement B review by the I-9 Specialist.

If the alternative procedure checkbox is selected and no attachment is provided in Supplement B, the following error message will appear upon saving the activity.

For more details on uploading attachments in Supplement B, please click here.

Note: Even if the checkbox for "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" is not selected, you may still be prompted to upload attachments in Supplement B if attachments are configured as mandatory in I-9 activities.

After entering the details, check "I Agree" and click the "Electronically Sign" button. 

After completing the activity, the following message will be displayed on the page. Close the browser window and refresh your tasks on the home page.

The completed transaction will no longer appear under pending tasks but will show under the "Completed - Signed I-9s" section. You will see the I-9 state of the transaction changed to "Awaiting Remote I-9 Supplement B Review".

Now the transaction is in I-9 Specialist's queue for review and completion. 

Once the remote user completes the assigned I-9 activity, the I-9 Specialist will be informed via an email.

Email Notification

How to review the activity after a remote user completes their assigned I-9?

The I-9 Specialist can access the remote user completed transaction through their My Tasks console. Note: This transaction can also be accessed via Keyword Search My Tasks. For more details, please click here.

Completing the review of the Section 2 activity:

Click on the "Complete I-9" link to open the activity.

My Tasks Console

The details entered by the remote user will appear in the Section 2 activity. If the information is correct, proceed with completing the Section 2 review. If any details are incorrect, you can return the I-9 activity to the remote user for corrections.

To finalize the review, click "Complete Review" at the bottom of the activity.

Note: If the checkbox for "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" is selected, indicating an alternative document verification procedure, and an attachment is uploaded in Section 2 by the remote user, the I-9 Specialist is not required to upload any additional documents during the Section 2 review. However, if the I-9 Specialist chooses to delete the attachment uploaded by the remote user, they must upload a new attachment. If no attachment is provided and the checkbox was selected, the system will prompt for an attachment during the Section 2 review.

I-9 Specialist - Complete I-9

After the review is completed, the transaction status will be updated for the remote user. The I-9 state will appear as "I-9 Section 2 Completed" on their Homepage, as shown below.

Completing the review of Supplement B:

The steps for reviewing Supplement B are similar to those for Section 2. To begin the review, click Complete I-9 to open the activity.

The details entered by the remote user will appear in the Supplement B page. If the information is correct, proceed with completing the review. If any details are incorrect, you can return the I-9 activity to the remote user for corrections.

To finalize the review, click "Complete Review" at the bottom of the activity.

Note: If the checkbox for "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" is selected, indicating an alternative document verification procedure, and an attachment is uploaded in Supplement B by the remote user, the I-9 Specialist is not required to upload any additional documents during the Supplement B review. However, if the I-9 Specialist opts to delete the attachment uploaded by the remote user, they must upload a new attachment. If no attachment is provided and the checkbox was selected, the system will prompt for the attachment during the Supplement B review.

After the review is completed, the transaction status will be updated for the remote user. The I-9 state will appear as "Supplement B Completed" on their Homepage, as shown below. 

How to assign I-9 to an already existing remote user?

I-9 Specialists can also assign I-9 to the users that are already added as Authorized Representatives (remote users) in the system. They can either be the Business Users of the organization with roles such as HR Specialist, I-9 Specialists etc., or added exclusively as Authorized Representatives in the system from I-9 Section 2 or Supplement B like in the above case. For more details on creating Business Users with Authorized Representative role, please click here. The Authorized Representative role can also be assigned to an existing system user via Manage Users/Contacts. For more details, please click here.

When assigning I-9, the "Select Representative" prompt will show all the existing remote users.

Click on "Select Representative" lookup to view the list of users eligible to be assigned as remote users to complete I-9 Section 2 or Supplement B.

The look up displays all the existing remote users. To search for a specific user, use "Search by" or "Quick Filter" options.

In "Search by", use any of the search options (Authorized Representative/First Name/Last Name) to search for the user. 

When the search results display, click on the link and select the user.

The selected user details populates on the Assign Remote I-9 page as shown below. Add a note to the remote user and click the "Assign" button.

The user will receive an email containing the I-9 assignment details. A sample is given below.

When the remote user logs into the system, they will see the assigned I-9 under their pending tasks on their home page. By clicking on the I-9 ID link, they can access and complete the assigned I-9 activity (Section 2/Supplement B).

How to send back I-9 to the remote user for correction?

While reviewing the details entered by the remote user in the Section 2/Supplement B activities, if you notice any errors that require changes, send the I-9 activity back to the remote user by clicking the "Send Back Remote I-9" button.

On the secondary page, enter the reason for sending the I-9 back and click "OK" to submit.

Once the I-9 is sent back to the remote user, you cannot make edits to Section 2/Supplement B details. The example below illustrates the Section 2 activity view for the I-9 Specialist after the I-9 has been returned to the remote user.

The remote user will be notified about this via an email.

The sent back activity will be available under I-9s pending for review for the remote user as shown below. By clicking on the I-9 ID the remote user can access and complete the I-9 Section 2 or Supplement B activity.

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