.E-Verify Process through Connector v1.9
This connector is provided to the customers HR instance who have opted for only E-Verify activity on cloud. It integrates between HR instance and cloud and pushes the I-9 process completed employee data from HRMS to cloud for the E-Verify processing. The process also includes an AE in HR system (SM_CC_INVSYN) which can be scheduled to run everyday or at desired interval/recurrence for batch creation of invitations for the employee records with completed Form I-9 Section 1 and Section 2. Along with the Invitation ID, the Form ID, I-9 ID and I-9 Master data are created for the employee records and this data is pushed to the cloud instance for DHS verification processing.
The process shown below is just for reference on running the AE from PeopleSoft environment. This is not applicable to customers that are using cloud application.
How to run AE for batch creation of invitations?
Navigate to Main Menu >> People Tools >> System Process Requests.
Click "Add a New Value" and enter "Run Control ID". Click "Add".
To submit the process request click "Run".
Select the process and click OK (given at the bottom of the page).
Navigate to Process Monitor to view the process details.
After the process is run successfully,
- an Invitation is created for the employee in the cloud Instance
- all the I-9 details (Form I-9 section 1 & Section 2) from PeopleSoft HR records is pushed to cloud and unique I-9 ID is created
- after successful creation of I-9 ID, invitation is launched and business process is initiated making these transactions available for the business users in “My Tasks” console for initiating the E-Verify processing
What happens if there is an error in the creation of Invitation ID or I-9 ID?
The invitations that are errored after running the AE, will not be pushed to the cloud instance. This also includes the invitations that have the Invitation ID created but the I-9 ID is not formed because of the wrong data entered in the I-9 for the employee. These employee records will not make it to the cloud as they get deleted in the HR instance. Provide correct employee data in Form I-9 Section 1 and Section 2 so that the employee transaction will be pushed to the cloud instance when the AE runs in PeopleSoft environment.
When does the invitation gets auto terminated?
When AE is run on HR instance to create I-9 Invitation, it checks if there is already any 'in progress' invitation existing in cloud for that Employee ID. If there exists another invitation with the same Form ID in the cloud and if that in progress invitation is in either 'Unconfirmed Data' status or 'Awaiting DHS Verification' with errors, then the process gets auto terminated. In another case, if any prior invitation exists for the same Employee ID for which the 'Create Case' has not been triggered yet, then such processes also get terminated and new invitation gets created. The new details from HR gets pushed to the same I-9 Form ID and I-9 ID with a new invitation.
Who can access the E-Verify activity in cloud instance?
The users with E-Verify Specialist role type can access the E-Verify activity in cloud instance.
How do you access the E-Verify activity?
The E-Verify activity can be accessed under "My Tasks" of the E-Verify Specialist.
Login with the E-Verify Specialist role type.
Click on the Menu icon and access "My Tasks" in the left navigation under "Consoles". (or) Click on "My Tasks" link in the Quick Links task bar.
This displays all the invitations with E-Verify activity pending. Click on the "E-Verify" link for any invitation to open the E-Verify activity.
The E-Verify page opens as shown below.
Scroll down on the E-Verify page and click on the "Create Case" button to proceed with the E-Verify processing.
Another way to navigate to My Tasks is via Elasticsearch
Click on the "Elasticsearch" icon and select "My Tasks" as the search category. Enter "All" in the Keywords field or if you know the Invitation ID, you can enter that in the Keywords field. Click Search.
The pending E-Verify activity across all the business processes appear under My Tasks. Click on "E-Verify only Processing".
This will display the records of E-Verify only processing. Click on any invitation ID link to open the activity.
How to send back the employee records for correction from the E-Verify activity?
When incorrect data is entered in Form I-9, it can be corrected by adding new effective dated rows in both Section 1 and Section 2. Once the I-9 is submitted, a new invitation is created in HR instance for the new effective dated rows. When these effective dated rows are sent to cloud, it checks for the prior invitation existing in the cloud system. If prior invitation exists and its process is running/in-progress and the E-Verify state is in "Awaiting DHS Verification" or "Unconfirmed Data" or errors are encountered while creating the E-Verify case, then it auto terminates the process and creates a new invitation followed by I-9, considering the latest effective dated row data.
There is also another feature available to the E-Verify Admins/Specialists to correct the I-9 data from cloud instance within the E-Verify activity using "Send Back for Correction" option. This will automatically terminate the invitation in HR instance. This option will be available only if errors are encountered while creating E-Verify case or if "Unconfirmed Data" status is returned from DHS.
The detailed process for the above methods are explained below. These methods can be considered as manual methods, since the user interaction is required to terminate the processes from E-Verify activity.
a) When there is a DHS error upon initiating the case on the E-Verify page, the "Send Back for Correction" button appears with the error displayed at the bottom. In the below example, two DHS errors occurred, due to wrong character length and wrong format provided in Section 2 for I-766 document type.
Click on the button to send back the employee record to HR instance for corrections. The invitation gets automatically terminated and the form details in I-9 Master gets deleted.
This terminated invitation shows in the Invitation Console.
Invitation Console |
When the invitation is searched in Elasticsearch |
When you open the activity in Process Viewer (Click on "View Process" for invitation action in Elasticsearch), you will notice the activity is terminated with status displayed as "Sent back for Corrections".
Correct I-9 Section-1/Section-2 details for the Employee ID with new effective date in HR system and run AE. A new invitation is created with the same I-9 Form ID and I-9 ID. When you login as the E-Verify Specialist and check under "My Tasks", you will notice the E-Verify activity available for this employee.
Search in the invitation console for the employee, you will notice a new invitation appearing with status as "Invitation Launched".
b) Another option to send back the employee record is from E-Verify "Unconfirmed Data" page. When there are no DHS errors, the DHS case is created and the state navigates to "Unconfirmed Data". On this page, there is another option provided to send the employee record for correction.
Unconfirmed data page |
Since the DHS case is created, the record can also be seen in E-Verify console as shown below.
E-Verify Console |
When you scroll down on the Unconfirmed Data page, you will notice the "Send Back for Correction" link provided at the bottom. Click on this link to send back the employee record for correction.
Similar to the first case, the process gets terminated and the Form I-9 Master data gets deleted from the system. When the Form I-9 details are corrected and AE (SM_CC_INVSYN) is run again, another invitation gets created with the same I-9 Form ID and I-9 ID. This time when the case is created, a new DHS case number is generated for the form.
How do you view the status of the invitation?
The invitation status can be viewed by navigating to the invitation Console.
Click on the Menu icon and select "Invitation Console" under "Invitations" from the menu navigation on the left or use "Invitation Console" link on the Quick Links bar below the banner.
The Invitation Console page displays as shown below. The page includes Search Filter & Quick Filter options to search for the invitations and the invitation details with links to view the process and actions.
Search Filter
When there are many invitations in the system, you can use search filter options to quickly find a specific invitation. Next to the field, you can change the search option to specify how you want your text to be perceived.
Field | Behavior |
First Name |
Last Name |
Business Process Status |
Invitation ID |
Start Date |
Quick Filter
Quick Filter is another way to quickly find a specific invitation or to get a list of invitations matching specific criteria.
Example: Quick Filter search by Invitation ID
Invitation Details
The Invitation Details include the following fields.
Field | Behavior |
Invitation ID |
Name |
Start Date |
Invitation Status |
View Process |
View Historic Process |
Info and Actions |
What details are included in View Process?
The page shows the activity present in the business process with status. In connector way of E-Verify process, only the E-Verify activity is present in the process.
The icon represents the process is initiated/routed but not completed and symbolizes a completed activity.
Process Viewer with E-Verify activity initiated and routed |
Process Viewer with E-Verify activity completed |
In case if the process is not routed to the E-Verify activity (since the Company has no E-Verify setup configured in DHS Client Setup), then the process gets auto completed and the invitation status shows as "Invitation Complete" in the Invitation Console. One such example is given below:
The process viewer page for such transactions shows as below.
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