Overdue Reason

Overdue Reason

The Overdue Reason in Section 2 captures the reason or explanation when Section 2 verification is not completed within "Hire Date + 3 business days". Employers have three business days from the hire date (the first day of employment) to complete the Section 2 activity. If Section 2 is not completed within three business days after the hire date, the "Overdue Reason" icon will be activated.

If the hire date falls on a weekend, the next business day (Monday) is considered the effective hire date, and the overdue reason will be enabled after three business days (i.e., on Friday).

Once the hire date or first day of employment is entered in Section 2 (or populated from the New Hire's invitation start date), the system will validate the hire date against the current signature date. If this date exceeds three business days from the hire date, the "Overdue Reason" icon will be activated. The I-9 Specialist must provide a reason for the delay before completing the activity.

For a detailed explanation, please refer to the examples provided below.

Section 2 example without Overdue Reason:

The example below shows a Section 2 signature date within three business days of the hire date. As a result, the Overdue Reason icon is not enabled on the page.

Completing Section 2 with Overdue Reason:

In another example, if the Section 2 signature date exceeds three business days from the hire date, you will notice the Overdue Reason icon activated next to the hire date.

Clicking on the icon opens a secondary page with a field for entering the reason for the verification delay.

Click on the drop down and select a proper reason from the list.

Click "Save" to submit the reason. The page navigates back to Section 2 after the delay reason is submitted.

You can modify the delay reason and save Section 2 as many times as needed by clicking the "Save" button. However, if you change the Hire Date, the previously saved delay reason will be cleared, and you may need to enter the information again if the overdue icon is enabled.

To change the previously entered delay reason, click on the "Overdue Reason" icon in Section 2 to navigate to the secondary page. Update the reason with a new one and click "Save".

Without providing a reason for the delay, you can save the activity but cannot complete it. When you click the "I Agree" checkbox, the system will automatically navigate to the Overdue Reason secondary page to enter the delay reason, provided the employment eligibility document information has already been entered in Section 2. The system first validates the document data before checking for an overdue reason. If the document entries are missing, the system will display a document error message first.

If the reason for the verification delay is not among the drop down list, select 'Other' option and enter the reason.

Click "Save" to return to the Section 2 page.

It is mandatory to enter the comments, if you select 'Other' as the delay reason. The following error message displays on the page if you click "Save" without entering the comments.

By clicking the "Cancel" button you may return to the Section 2 activity but cannot complete it without providing the proper comments when the delay reason selected as "Other".

Section 2

In the above scenario, if you attempt to complete Section 2 by clicking the "Electronically Sign" button, the following error message will be displayed.

After completing Section 2, the Overdue Reason icon will still be clickable, but the secondary page appears in read only mode.

Note: If Section 2 of the I-9 is assigned to a remote user, the Overdue Reason field will be in read-only mode for the I-9 Specialist until the activity is completed by the remote user. The overdue reason saved by the remote user in Section 2 will be passed on to the primary flow for the I-9 Specialist once the activity is completed.

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