.My Tasks - HR Admin v1.3
What are an HR Specialist's My Tasks?
The HR Specialist completes the job details and reviews the candidate's Onboarding information. Optionally, he can download the candidate's signed forms. Once he is sure that the candidate's information is correct, he submits the Onboarding package to Human Resources for processing. After this submit activity has been done, the candidate can no longer make changes to his information.
The two main HR Specialist tasks include Prescreen Activities (Background Check Processing and Results) and HR Activities (Verify Information, Complete Job Data, and Send Candidate Data to HR).
My Tasks Page |
What would create variation in these steps?
For more information on what these different fields do, click here.
New Hire Invitation Page |
Background Required
Background Required means that the New Hire has to fill out the prescreen forms and the HR Specialist has to go through the Prescreen Activities.
This is the process for when Background Required is No.
Hold for Prescreen Processing
This shows the process when you select Yes for Hold for Prescreen Processing (background required is yes).
This shows the process when you select No for Hold for Prescreen Processing (background required is yes).
How do I check which tasks have been completed for a new hire?
In the HR Specialist's Invitation Console, under View, click on the View Process to see which Tasks have been completed.
This is a simple way of seeing an overview of where the new hire is in their process, including the HR, I-9, and E-Verify Specialist's activities.
Process Viewer Page |
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