.My Tasks - E-Verify v1.5

.My Tasks - E-Verify v1.5


What is the E-Verify activity?

The only activity that shows under My Tasks for an E-Verify Specialist is E-Verify.  The E-Verify activity consists of the initiation and completion of all processing through the USCIS E-Verify system.

Why would we need to E-Verify?

Completion of the I-9 form is a requirement to be hired in the United States.  Completion of the form as part of Smart Onboarding includes validation of the new hire's I-9 information by the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.

Who can perform the E-Verify activity?

This activity can be performed by any user who has the DHS Administrator role. Typically this role is assigned to the users who have experience interfacing with the USCIS E-Verify system.

When can you perform the E-Verify activity?

This activity can be completed only after the I-9 Specialist has marked the Complete I-9 activity as being completed.

How do you access the E-Verify activity?

There are two ways to access the E-Verify activity:

  • Using My Tasks
  • Using I-9 Console

How do you access the E-Verify activity using My Tasks?

Click the Menu icon and then click My Tasks

Menu Drop-down


All new hires whose onboarding process is at a point where the E-Verify activity is available and has not yet been completed are shown.  Click the E-Verify link for a new hire.

E-Verify Specialist My Tasks Page



The new hire's I-9 information is displayed.

E-Verify Specialist My Tasks Page


How do you access E-Verify using the I-9 Console?

Please refer to the I-9 Console topic for a description of how to access. For the E-Verify activity, you should select I-9 IDs with a State later than Awaiting Section 2, such as Awaiting DHS Verification.  Note that changes made when accessing through the I-9 Console will not result in completion of the E-Verify activity in the new hire's business process. That activity must be marked as complete by accessing E-Verify through My Tasks.

What processing is done in E-Verify?

There are many different paths which might result when a new hire's I-9 information is interfaced with the USCIS E-Verify system.  Please refer to the Smart E-Verify User's Guide for a complete description of the various paths.  

In this document, we will show three examples:

  • A new hire whose information is valid on the initial submission, and who is eligible for employment.
  • A new hire whose Social Security information is not valid on the initial submission, resulting in a TNC and referral to the Social Security Administration for resolution of the problem.
  • A rehire or reverification, where the new hire or employee's information matches I-9 information that is already in the system.

New hire with employment authorized

In this example, the new hire's information is found to be valid when it is reviewed by the SSA and DHS, and the new hire's employment is authorized.

After accessing through My Tasks, the new hire's I-9 information is displayed.  Click the Initiate E-Verify button.

Initiate E-Verify



The process interacts with the USCIS E-Verify system, and in this example, returns a status of Employment Authorized.

Click the Close Case button.

Employment Authorized - Close Case




In this example, the new hire is currently employed by the company.

Check Yes, then click the Next button.

Employment Status




In this example, the employee continues to work for the employer.

Check that option, and click the Submit Close Case Reason button.

Submit Close Case Reason




The case is closed.

Click the flag icon, to mark the E-Verify activity as complete.





The E-Verify activity now shows as complete.


E-Verify Activity is Complete



New hire with a Social Security referral

In this example, the new hire's Social Security information is found to be invalid when it is reviewed by the SSA.  The new hire receives a TNC and is referred to the Social Security Administration.  The Social Security Administration finds that the employee's information is not valid.  The employee is terminated.

After accessing through My Tasks, the new hire's I-9 information is displayed.  Click the Initiate E-Verify button.

Initiate E-Verify



The process interacts with the USCIS E-Verify system, and in this example, returns a status of SSA Reverify.  This gives the employer a chance to correct the Social Security number, if it was entered incorrectly initially.  In this example, we do not change the information.

Click Reverify.





The USCIS E-Verify system returns an SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation Notice (TNC), indicating that the new hire's Social Security information was not valid.  

Click Print Notice.

Print Notice




The Further Action Notice for the new hire is shown in a new window.  This should be printed and reviewed with the new hire.

Further Action Notice



After discussing the TNC with the new hire, check the box I have notified the employee of this TNC, then click Next.

Confirm Discussing with New Hire



In this example, the employee decides to contest the SSA TNC.

Click Next.

Contest TNC


Click Refer Case.

Refer Case



The new hire has been referred to SSA.  After he visits with them, SSA will update the status of his case in the USCIS E-Verify system.  When updated, this status update will be brought back into our system by the Case Polling Process.

Click Print Notice.

Print Referral Notice



The new hire's Referral Notice is displayed in a new window.

Referral Notice



In this example, when the new hire visited the SSA, they found his information to be invalid, and updated the case status SSA Final Nonconfirmation to reflect that.  After the Case Polling Process has run, this is reflected in our system.

Click Close Case.


SSA Final Nonconfirmation




In this example, the employee is no longer employed.  Check No, then click Next.

Employee not Currently Employed



In this example, the employee was terminated due to the Final Confirmation result.  Check the corresponding box.

Click Submit Close Case Reason.

Submit Close Case Reason



The case is closed.  Click the flag icon to mark the E-Verify activity as complete.

Mark Activity as Complete



The E-Verify activity now shows as complete.

E-Verify Activity is Complete



Rehire or Reverification

In this example, the new hire's information is found to match I-9 information that is currently in the system.  This could be either of these cases:

  • a current employee's document information approaching expiration, requiring reverification, or
  • a new hire has worked for the organization before, and is being rehired.

After accessing through My Tasks, if the new hire's information matches existing information, the following page is displayed.  Click the No - Review the existing I-9 details link.

Employee Reverification



The information that is currently in the system is displayed.  Click the I-9 ID.

Click the Close Case button.

Employee I-9 Details




The details of the existing I-9 are displayed.

Check Switch View, then choose Awaiting Reverification.

I-9 Details




The selection page is re-displayed.  Click Yes - Start a Reverification.

Check that option, and click the Submit Close Case Reason button.

Start a Reverification




The I-9 information is displayed.  Enter valid data in the fields in Section 3, then click Save.

I-9 Section 3




Click the flag icon to mark the E-Verify activity as complete.

Mark Activity as Complete



The E-Verify activity now shows as complete.

E-Verify Activity is Complete



How can you download the new hire's I-9 documents?

The new hire's I-9 related documents can be downloaded to print or preserve the records.  This produces a zip file with an index of the documents as well as folders containing the documents.

This can be done in two places:

  • Download packet within the new hire's E-Verify activity
  • Download packet from within the I-9 Console

Download within the new hire's E-Verify activity

In order to download the packet: after the verification task, click on the zip file icon




Please refer to the next section to see the navigation to view the contents of the Download Packet.

Download packet from within the I-9 Console


Click the Menu Icon and click on I9 Console.

Menu Drop-down



Scroll down and click on Download Packet for a new hire.

I-9 E-Verify Console-Cloud Page



A new window opens showing the new hire's Form I-9.  You can just close this window (or use it, if you like).  

Form I-9



In the original window, a zip folder shows in the downloads area.  Click the zip file name.

Zip File




Windows Explorer opens.  Click on the Index File to open it.





The Index File shows a list of all documents that are included in the other folders.





Click the top level folder to open it.

Top Level Folder




The top level folder contains two PDF files showing the Form I-9 with Section 1 and Section 2 information.

Click the DHS Documents folder.

DHS Documents




The DHS Documents folder contains PDF files with the letters sent to the new hire during the E-Verify process.

DHS Letters




















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