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title | Release notes - 01/04/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on January 4th, 2023. - State Tax Withholding form changes (2023 tax year): The following State Tax Withholding form changes for the 2023 year and version update have been updated and are effective for hires on or after 01/02/2023.
- Arkansas – Form Revision Update (R 11/16/2022)
- Colorado – DR 0004 Form Revision Update (11/15/2022)
- Connecticut – Form Revision Update 12/22
- Delaware – Form Revision Update 20220304
- Iowa – Form Revision Update 12/1/2022
- Maryland – Form Revision Update 05/2022
- North Carolina – Form Revision Update 11-22
- South Carolina – Form Revision Update 11/3/22
- New York – Update to 2023
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title | Release notes - 01/16/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on January 13th, 2023. - State Tax Withholding form changes (2023 tax year): The following State Tax Withholding form changes for the 2023 year and version update have been updated and are effective for hires on or after 01/03/2023.
- California - Form Revision Update 51 (12-22)
- Idaho – Form Revision Update 08-01-2022
- Maine – Form Update December 2022
- Oregon – Form Revision Update 09-15-22
- Rhode Island – Update to 2023
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title | Release notes - 02/13/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on February 11th, 2023. - State Tax Withholding form changes (2023 tax year): The following State Tax Withholding form changes for the 2023 year and version update have been updated and are effective for hires on or after 01/04/2023.
- Hawaii - Form Revision Update (Rev. 2022)
- Mississippi – Form Revision Update – Form 89-350-22-8-1-000 (Rev. 10/22)
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title | Release notes - 02/23/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on February 18th, 2023. - Enhancements related to I-9 Summary: A message will be displayed below I-9 status section for the terminated (both primary and additional I-9 processes) and force completed primary invitations. The message will indicate that the process is terminated, or force completed, and no action should be performed on the transaction. Click here for more details about the new message on the I-9 Summary page.
For information on termination and force completion of transactions, click on the following links: Terminate process (primary invitation), Undo Last Filing (additional I-9 invitation), Consider Process Complete. |
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title | Release notes - 02/27/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on February 25th, 2023. Enhancements related to E-Verify processing: - New DHS E-Verify Status - DHS Draft:
- This new DHS E-Verify status has been introduced to minimize the case submission failure errors caused due to DHS site being unstable or where there are intermittent issues on DHS side during integration.
- When the "Create Case" button is clicked on the E-Verify page in our system, it performs both case creation and case submission events and takes the E-Verify case to the next DHS status. However, in DHS, case creation (Draft) and case submission (Submit Case) are two separate steps. There were issues reported by a few of our customers that the E-Verify cases were ending up in Draft Status on DHS side but were having duplicate case error on Smart E-Verify side. Such transactions ended up in “Duplicate Case” status but the E-Verify case was not listed as an open case in Duplicate Status page.
- The above issue is resolved with this new enhancement. When such error occurs, users will be displayed with the new E-Verify Status - “DHS Draft status” in which the user will have an option to either submit the E-Verify case and proceed with the E-Verify or navigate back to Form I-9 Section 1 or Section 2 activities and correct the Form I-9 data if needed.
- For information on the new DHS Draft state, please click here.
- User friendly error messages are displayed for the following E-Verify failure scenarios,
- Unauthorized errors that occur due to wrong user ID or password setup in DHS Client Setup for the Legal Entity (Company/Business Unit).
- Corrupted transactions with I-9 ID not generated.
- For more details on the failure scenarios and the error messages, please click here.
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title | Release notes - 03/06/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on March 4th, 2023. Enhancements related to Benefits activities: - Setup pages:
- Benefit Plan:
- When adding or updating a Benefit Plan, the effective date accepts only the current date or future date.
- Attachments with effective date less than or equal to the effective date of the Benefit Plan can be configured in the Benefit Plan setup.
- Attachments on the Benefit Plan cannot be deleted or modified if the Benefit Plan is already used in Benefits Enrollment by any New Hire. However, the other details of the Benefit Plan setup such as Policy Information, Plan Classification and Rate Data can be modified.
- Click here to view more information on Benefit Plan setup.
- Benefit Program:
- When configuring the Benefit Program, the Benefit Plans with effective date lesser than or equal to the effective date of the Benefit Program is allowed. For details on Benefit Program setup, please click here.
- Benefits Enrollment activity:
- The Benefit Plans and attachments effective as of the invitation start date are available for the New Hire.
- After the activity is completed, any changes made to the Benefit Plans or the attachments are not reflected. New Hire can only view the Benefit Plan and attachments that they had chosen when the activity was completed.
- For more details on Benefits Enrollment activity, please click here.
Tax implementation update for cloud customers: - Cloud customers who are implementing Federal and State Withholding Tax activities in their onboarding process should configure Company Supplemental Attributes to add tax data for Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN) and Tax Account ID Number for all the states. The values associated with these Supplemental Attributes will be fetched dynamically in their respective Tax Withholding form reports.
- For more information on the implementation steps, please click here.
New email notification configured for ‘Revise Start Date’ that can be performed through Elasticsearch: - When ‘Revise Start Date’ action is performed via invitation actions in Elasticsearch, the respective HR Admin will receive an email notification with changed Start Date details. For details, please click here.
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title | Release notes - 04/17/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release updates on April 1st, 2023, April 8th, 2023 and April 15th, 2023. - Enhancement related to Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity:
- The Benefit Plans and attachments that are effective as of the invitation start date are available for the New Hire.
- The documents uploaded in the Benefit Plans setup page are now available for the New Hires to download when they enroll for the Benefit Plans.
- After the activity is completed, any changes made to the Benefit Plans, or the attachments are not reflected. New Hire can only view the Benefit Plan and attachments that they had chosen when the activity was completed.
- For more details on Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity, please click here.
- An option is provided to hide/unhide “Feedback” button by means of setup under Organization Management. For more details on how the System Administrators can set up this option, please click here.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
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title | Release notes - 05/29/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on May 07th, 2023 and May 26th, 2023. - I-9 Enhancement:
- Updating the I-9 status to inactive through a new batch process – The process identifies transactions which have the termination date reached or set to a past date and updates their I-9 Status to 'Inactive'. For more details on setting the termination date for an I-9, please click here.
- No actions can be performed on the I-9s that are updated as inactive. Click here for more details on inactive I-9s.
- A new version of Voluntary Self-identification of Disability Form is made available in our cloud onboarding process effective from 06/01/2023. This would be available for:
- All new invitations
- All in progress invitations where start date is on or after 06/01/2023 and Self-identification of Disability activity is available for the new hire and not completed yet.
- For more details, please click here.
- Enhancement in new hire’s Paycheck preferences:
- "Other" is made available as one of the options on the Paycheck preferences page. This can be selected if the option to receive pay is not direct deposit, check by mail or cash pay.
- System Administrators can enable/disable this option in Paycheck Preferences page by setting the property "AllowPayOptionOther" to ON/OFF in Product Preferences. Click here for more details.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes/enhancements in E-Verify processing:
The issues that the users are facing due to unstable/unavailability of DHS site are addressed. Some of them are - Users may not get any response when the "Create Case" button is clicked on the E-Verify page. The case might be taken forward in DHS, but the user may still see the 'Create Case' page in our system. If the 'Create Case' button is clicked again the case may return "Employee Duplicate case" in our system as the case already exists for the employee in DHS. This issue is addressed by automatically syncing the updated case status from DHS on Create Case.
- Display issues on few DHS statuses
- Case number missing on DHS statuses like Case Closed or Employment Authorized. Click here for more details.
- Case close reasons not displaying while closing an E-Verify case. Click here for more details.
These display issues are addressed by providing Case Sync gadget on the pages. Using this gadget users can retrieve the missing case numbers or get the updated status for the E-Verify cases from DHS. |
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title | Release notes - 06/05/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on Jun 03rd, 2023. - I-9 Console changes for inactive I-9s:
- The 'Info and Actions' link which was previously hidden for inactive I-9s is now restored and console actions 'Add Additional/Supporting Documents' & ‘I-9 Print’ are made available under ‘Actions' tab.
- With this enhancement users can add supporting documents to the inactive I-9s via 'Add Additional/Supporting Documents' action and download/print signed Form I-9 via 'I-9 Print'. For more details, please click here.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes:
- E-Verify: The error on downloading ‘Further Action Notice’ from Pending Referral and ‘Referral Date Confirmation’ notice from Referred status is now resolved. Previously, the folder path generation had a limitation on the total number of characters for names (First name and Last name including spaces), causing failures. This limitation has been addressed and now supports the name up to 30 characters. For more details, please click here.
- The validation has been relaxed to support mixed case letters in the email ID for the 'Forgot User ID' option from the login page. For more details, please click here.
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title | Release notes - 08/21/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on Aug 20th, 2023. Enhancements specific to customers subscribed through ADP Marketplace: - ADP sync for SUI/SDI Status: On syncing the SUI/SDI Status from ADP Related Configuration through Organization Management, Smart Onboarding will now exclusively sync the SUI/SDI Tax Codes that are active in ADP. For more details, please click here.
- Complete Job Details activity:
- The SUI/SDI Tax Code prompt will now display only active values. Additionally, the description for the selected SUI/SDI Tax Code is displayed next to the prompt field. These changes can be verified under “Tax Entry” section on the Complete Job Details page. For more details, please click here.
- A new field has been added under “Employment” section to capture the FLSA Overtime information. The initial value in the FLSA Overtime field is set to "No". For the FLSA Code value "E” (Exempt), the FLSA Overtime will remain "No" indicating that overtime is not applicable. On the other hand, for the "N” (Non-Exempt) value, FLSA overtime is set to "Yes" meaning that overtime does apply. However, the field is editable and can be modified as necessary. For more details, please click here.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes:
- The message displayed on the Send Candidate Data to ADP page has been revised when an employee data is integrated with ADP for the scenario where the employee already exists in ADP with an Associate ID and active work assignment. This differs from a rehire scenario, wherein the employee already exists in ADP with an Associate ID and a termination date. For more details, please click here.
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title | Release notes - 08/28/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on Aug 27th, 2023. IMPORTANT!!! Form I-9: COVID-19 temporary flexibility - The process scheduled for generating the additional I-9 transactions for physical document inspection will end on August 30th, 2023: Our scheduled process, which was initiated on August 1st, 2023 to evaluate I-9 transactions needing physical document inspection in our Smart Onboarding & I-9/E-Verify Cloud solution will end on August 30th, 2023 (Wednesday). If you have not completed the physical document inspection by August 30th, you will need to manually identify the pending transaction(s) by reviewing the note in the Form I-9 Additional Information section and initiate a Section 2 correction process. For more details, please click here. Please reach out to us via the Online Support Center if you have any questions about processing your Form I-9s. I-9 Enhancements - Relaxation on document validity in I-9 Section 2 for physical inspection required transactions:
- The validation on document expiry has been relaxed in I-9 Section 2 for List A and List B documents. The system now allows to save/complete the I-9 Section 2 activity with expired documents in List A and List B. However, in List C an unexpired document is necessary to save/complete the activity.
- If changes are made to the document records in I-9 Section 2, the system will prevent you from saving/completing the activity with expired documents in List A, List B, or List C. For more details, please click here.
- Remote I-9 improvements:
- The process of sending email notifications when inviting new Authorized Representatives has been streamlined into a single email. Furthermore, the content of the email has been updated to include both self-registration and I-9 assignment information. The earlier version involved sending two separate emails during the new Authorized Representative invitation process. For details on the new notification while inviting a new Authorized Representative, please click here.
- The email notification sent to the existing Authorized Representatives upon assignment of an I-9 has been enhanced to provide clarity whether it is from I-9 Section 2 or Section 3. For more details, please click here.
Revised guidelines for sending invitations to Authorized Representatives via Manage Users/Contacts: - The System Administrator’s ability to invite users with exclusive Authorized Representative role from Manage Users/Contacts is revoked. To send the invitation, the user should hold any Business User role(s) in addition to the Authorized Representative role. For more details, please click here.
- Users with exclusive Authorized Representative role can be invited only through I-9 Section 2 or 3 during the assignment of I-9 activity. Once invited, these users will appear under the Manage Users/Contacts users list. In case, if they have not responded to the initial invitation email by completing their self-registration, the option to resend the email invitation remains available within Manage Users/Contacts. This can be accomplished by using the "Resend Registration" action located under the "Actions" link. For more details, please click here.
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title | Release notes - 10/23/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on Oct 22nd, 2023. SmartERP is proud to announce the release of the new Form I-9 (revision 08/01/2023; Expires 07/31/2026) for Smart Onboarding and Smart I-9/E-Verify. This updated form version is now active. No action is required on your part to start utilizing the new form. New invitations, as well as, transactions that are not complete will begin seeing the new form and page updates. Completed Form I-9s (Section 1 & 2), will continue to display the version of the form that was completed. Highlighted changes included in this update: - Form I-9 Rev. 08/01/2023 to present to all users when completing a new I-9 section
- New print reports for the I-9 Rev. 08/01/2023 form
- Support for the alternative procedure to remote verification of documents
- Option to require an attachment before signing a section
- Refinements to remote I-9 process and pages
- Updates to Form I-9 Summary and I-9 Master pages to reflect Supplement B
- New Keyword Search filters available for all categories
- Updates to email notifications
- Improvements to the Invitation Interface template
Further I-9 change documentation may be reviewed at https://smarterpcloud.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SOUD/pages/10025304065 Invitation Interface features may be reviewed at https://smarterpcloud.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SOUD/pages/9639526411/ If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out via the SmartERP support desk. |
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title | Release notes - 10/29/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on October 29, 2023. The temporary extension of the EAD automatic extension duration to 540 days ended on October 26, 2023: On May 4, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) temporarily extended the EAD automatic extension period by an additional 360 days beyond its usual 180-day timeframe, allowing for a total extension of up to 540 days of authorization. However, DHS ended this additional extension period as of October 26, 2023. Following this update, the standard 180-day automatic extension period is now in effect. This regulation is applicable to all transactions that are processed for EAD auto extension on or after October 26, 2023. Further details can be accessed on the EAD auto extension page.
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title | Release notes - 12/04/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on Dec 03, 2023. Invitation page enhancements: - While creating a new invitation phone and email sections will now default the preferred flag and phone email types. Phone type will default as “Home” and email type to “Personal”. Default values may be adjusted as needed. Invitations created via an interface will not be impacted. For more details, please click here.
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title | Release notes - 12/17/2023 |
| The following list was released as part of our release update on Dec 17th, 2023. SmartERP has announced a release update for Smart Onboarding and Smart I-9/E-Verify, incorporating the latest enhancements to align with the updated USCIS Form I-9 (Revision. 08/01/2023). These updates are available for all users starting Sunday, December 17, 2023. Highlighted changes are included in this update: E-Verify changes: - The phrase “Tentative Nonconfirmation” has been modified to “Tentative Nonconfirmation (Mismatch)” throughout. Please click here to refer to the related screens.
- Three additional reasons have been appended to the Duplicate Case continue reasons. Please refer to the link to check the new reasons displayed.
- The close reason "The employee quit working for the employer" in the Scan and Upload DHS Status has been rephrased to “Employee is no longer employed". Please click here to view the text adjustments.
I-9 print changes: - Excluded Supplement B pages from Section 2 print.
- Improved Supplement B print -
- Displays all preparers/translators from I-9 Section 1 within Supplement A (Supplement A page will be shown only if preparers/translators exist in Section 1).
- Shows data for more than three Supplement B processes.
- The print of the new form version now includes Section 3 data captured on old version form (10/21/2019) with the text “Signature captured on prior version” displayed for the I-9 Specialist signature.
- The issue with the expiration date not displaying in the print for the eligibility status "Noncitizen authorized to work" has been addressed and resolved.
- For more details, please refer to the I-9 change document: https://smarterpcloud.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SOUD/pages/10025304065.
Miscellaneous bug fixes and enhancements: - Updates to I-9 Master and I-9 Audit to align with the updated Form I-9 changes. To view the changes, please refer to the respective links: I-9 Master & I-9 Audit.
- Adjustment of DHS Client Setup to display the correct account status for Web Service accounts. Click here to learn more about the DHS Client Setup page.
- The “Switch View” option is removed from the top of Section 2 and Supplement B (Rehire) pages.
If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out via the SmartERP support desk. |