I-9 Master

I-9 Master

The I-9 Master contains different sections, each dedicated to displaying various aspects of the New Hire's Form I-9 data, including the form header with basic I-9 information, Section 1, Section 2, Supplement B, and E-Verify case details. It also features flags that are enabled for special scenarios, such as receipts present in Section 2, a preparer used in Section 1, a remote user involved in Section 2, the New Hire being a minor, or when reverification is initiated for a process, and others. Additionally, it also shows if any attachments have been uploaded during the I-9 activities in the process.

Who has access to the I-9 Master details?

Users with the I-9 Specialist role have access to the I-9 Master details.

How can you access the I-9 Master?

There are two ways to access the I-9 Master.

Using the I-9 ID link in the I-9 Console

Click the menu icon in the top left corner of the page, then choose "I-9 Console" from the Consoles section in the navigation menu.

Alternatively, select the "I-9 Console" link in the Quick Links bar located below the homepage banner.

Access I-9 Console

On the console page, you can search for a specific I-9 ID or a set of I-9 IDs using specific search criteria, or simply click "Search" to view all I-9s.

I-9 Console

Clicking on the I-9 ID links provides three navigation options: I-9 Summary, I-9 Master, and I-9 Audit. To view the Form I-9 Master details, select the "I-9 Master" link.

I-9 Console → I-9 ID → I-9 Master

Through Keyword Search actions

Alternatively, you can locate the transaction using Keyword Search under I-9-related categories such as I-9 Status, I-9 Compliance, or Employee I-9 Life Cycle. In the search results, select the transaction and click "View I-9 Master" from the actions menu.  (Note: I-9 Life Cycle is available only for the process completed transactions.)

I-9 Status

I-9 Compliance

I-9 Life Cycle

A sample I-9 Master for a transaction is given below.

I-9 Master

Is the I-9 Master available for all I-9s?

The I-9 Master becomes available for all I-9s once Section 1 is saved or signed and an I-9 ID is generated. However, it is not accessible for purged or process-terminated transactions. When an I-9 is purged or the invitation process is terminated, all related Form I-9 data is deleted, making the I-9 Master unavailable for those cases.

What makes up the I-9 Master page?

The I-9 Master page consists of a header displaying basic Form I-9 details and grid sections for Section 1, Section 2, Supplement B, and E-Verify case details.

Each Form I-9 section will display data only after it has been completed in the process. If a section has been saved or signed multiple times, the corresponding section will show multiple rows reflecting each saved or signed entry.

Header Details

The header details include important I-9 data, dates related to the New Hire's invitation, flags that identify specific flows and link to attachments.

I-9 Master - Header Details

 Click here to view Header fields description....

Form Identifiers

I-9 Form ID
  • Unique alpha-numeric ID randomly generated by the system.
I-9 ID
  • New Hire's distinctive numeric ID generated in a sequence
External ID
  • Employee ID (if any)
  • Company defined under the organization.
  • Displays Company ID if Company is selected as Legal Entity
Organization ID
  • Organization's distinct ID
Business Unit
  • Business Unit defined under the organization.
  • Displays Business Unit ID if Business Unit is selected as Legal Entity
I-9 status
  • Shows whether the I-9 is Active/Inactive/Ready to Purge
Expected Purge Date
  • Field is visible only if the transaction is in "Ready to Purge" state

Form Metadata

I-9 Data Source

The source from which the I-9 was created (I-9 origin)

  • Candidate I-9 (Cand I-9)
  • Historical I-9 (His I-9)
  • Regular I-9 (Standalone)
  • Onboarding (ONB)
  • Peoplesoft Emplid Source (Peoplesoft)
Initial Entry method

Entry method used to create I-9 (API, Conversion, Interfaced, Manual and Online transaction)

I-9 Form VersionThe version of the Form I-9 used
Report NamePrint version of the Form I-9
Employee PrintSection 1 print report
Employer PrintSection 2/Supplement B print report


Hire Date
  • Date specified in Section 2 activity
Termination Date
  • Date set via I-9 Console action/Keyword Search I-9 Life Cycle action for terminating the I-9
Expiry Date
  • Populated based on the logic : Hire date plus 3 years or Termination date plus 1 year whichever is maximum
  • Expiry date is made to null if Work Authorization End Date exists for an I-9
Rehire Date
  • Date specified in Supplement B in a Rehire scenario
Work Authorization End Date
  • Displays Section 1 Work authorization date until work authorization document expiration date in Section 2 is available
  • After Section 2 is saved/signed with WAE date, then work authorization date in Section 1 is compared with work authorization document expiration date in Section 2 and displays whichever is sooner
  • If WAE date exists, the I-9 expiry date is made to null
  • If WAE date is updated in I-9 Supplement B, the WAE date is derived from Supplement B
  • In I-9 Section 2, if EAD Auto Extended row exists, then Sec 2 document expiry date is updated as WAE date (even if the I-9 section-1 "Work Authorization until date" is lesser).
Start Date
  • Date specified in the New Hire’s invitation
  • As the user proceeds with the onboarding process, this date keeps updating.
      • Start date updates to Hire date when Section 2 activity is saved/completed
      • In rehire scenario, start date updates to rehire date when the Rehire date is entered in Supplement B and saved/completed


Receipts ExistsEnabled when Section 2 is completed by recording receipt details
Remote I-9Enabled when Form I-9 Section 2 is assigned to Remote User and the Remote User completes Section 2 activity
I-9 Packet PrintedEnabled when the I-9 is in process completed state and its I-9 Packet is downloaded when the AE for I-9 Packet Compiler is run

Enabled when Section 1 is filled and saved/signed by a minor New Hire (under age 18)

Special PlacementEnabled when Section 2 activity is completed by choosing Special Placement document from List B.
Reverification in Progress
  • Enabled only when the Reverification process is initiated from I-9 Console/ES actions.
  • For Name Change/Name Correction this flag will not be enabled.
  • The flag will be unchecked when the process status is completed/terminated.
Preparer Exists?Enabled when Section 1 is completed (signed) by a preparer.

Section 1/Section 2/Supplement B/Case Details

These sections are displayed as grids below the header details. Click on the arrow on each section to expand and view the details. 

Expand section scrolls

How can you determine from the I-9 Master if the transaction is ready for purging?

In the I-9 Master, the I-9 Status will display "Ready to Purge" when the transaction is flagged for purging. At this stage, the Expected Purge Date field will be visible, showing a calculated date that is 30 days from the date the status changed to "Ready to Purge". If the I-9 Status is not "Ready to Purge," the Expected Purge Date field will not be displayed.

If the New Hire has applied for SSN, what will be the SSN printed in the I-9 Master?

For the process completed with "Applied for SSN", the corresponding flag will be checked in the Section 1 of the I-9 Master. To access the I-9 Master for the selected transaction, click the I-9 ID link in the I-9 Console and choose "I-9 Master".

You will notice the Social Security Number displayed as "999-99-9999" and "Applied for SSN" flag checked in Section 1 details.

How to know if a remote user has been used in completing Section 2?

The "Remote I-9" flag located under the "Quick Glance - Flags" section, indicates whether a remote user was involved in Section 2. This flag is enabled once the remote user completes the Section 2 activity.

Expanding the Section 2 grid displays the document information entered by the remote user, along with the remote user’s details and signature.

How to add/view attachments in the I-9 Master?

The Attachments link in the I-9 Master provides access to supporting documents uploaded during the I-9 process, including those added in Section 1, Section 2, Supplement B, and Smart Checklists, as well as through the I-9 Console action "Add Additional/Supporting Documents". Any changes to attachments, such as additions or deletions, will automatically reflect in the I-9 Master.

Key Scenarios:

  • If attachments are added during the Name Change or Reverification process (Supplement B) and saved, they will appear in the I-9 Master. However, if the associated process is terminated (using "Undo Last Filing" in the I-9 Console or via Keyword Search under "I-9 Life Cycle") before the activity is signed, the attachments will not show in the I-9 Master.

  • If a transaction is force completed (via "Consider Process Complete" in the Invitation Console or "Force Complete Process" in Keyword Search under "Invitations"), any attachments uploaded in Section 1 or Section 2 will remain in the I-9 Master.

The Attachments page will allow you to add/view/delete the attachments.

The "Upload" button located at the bottom of the page can be used to add new attachments.

To view any attachment, you may click on the corresponding hyperlink.

The "Delete" option is available for attachments that are uploaded through the I-9 Master or via the I-9 Console action "Add Additional/Supporting Documents".

Attachments uploaded in Section 1, Section 2, Supplement B, or the Smart Checklist cannot be deleted directly from the I-9 Master, as they do not have a "Delete" option. To remove an attachment, it must be deleted from the respective activity. Once deleted from the activity, the attachment will no longer appear in the I-9 Master.

For transactions where the DHS Case Status is "EA Auto Closed" or "Closed Case," the I-9 Master attachments will also include a DHS case details report. A system process runs to identify such transactions and automatically generates this report, which is then added to the I-9 Master attachments. For more details, please click here.

Clicking on the DHS case report link will open the case details.

What details can you see under Section 1 of the I-9 Master?

Every attempt to save or sign the Form I-9 Section 1 data by an employee is recorded under this section as rows, with the saved or signed date as the effective date and the effective sequence starting from "0" incremented by 1. On the right side, you can view the number of rows and links to navigate through these details. The rows are organized by effective date and sequence, making it easy to navigate through the data and identify specific entries. The most recent row is the one with the latest effective date, and if multiple rows share the same effective date, the one with the highest sequence number is considered the latest.

After expanding the grid, the earliest row data is displayed under Section 1. Click "Correct History" to view all previous rows.

In the following example, three rows are displayed in Section 1, with the lowest effective date and effective sequence shown by default.

Note: The lowest sequence number is always '0'. As you navigate through previous rows, the effective sequence number increases based on the number of rows for that effective date. For a different effective date, the sequence number starts from zero again.

Click the "First" or "Previous" links to navigate to the preceding rows, and the "Next" or "Last" links to move to the succeeding rows. Clicking "View All" will display all the rows in sequential order, with the most recent effective date and highest sequence row appearing at the top.

Click the "Previous" link to view the next earliest row in the sequence.

The details of the next earliest row is displayed as below. Note that the effective sequence is increased by one for the same effective date. 

Click the "Previous" link one more time to view the next earliest row. In this case, with only three rows available, the third row is the most recent one.

Where to verify reverification/rehire/name change details in the I-9 Master?

The reverification/rehire/name change details can be verified under the Supplement B section in the I-9 Master.

When any reverification/rehire/name change is performed on an I-9, a new Supplement B Sequence Number is added and the "Reason" field will be updated with the corresponding reason.

Sample Supplement B sections for reverification/rehire/name change are given below:



Name Change

Where to check the E-Verify case details in the I-9 Master?

In the I-9 Master, the E-Verify case details are displayed under the "Case Details" section. Click on the arrow preceding the section header as shown below. 

Before the E-Verify case is created, the case details will be blank for that transaction.

After the E-Verify case is created, the "I-9 Case Identifier" and the "Case Number" will populate under the Case Details.

The lowest sequenced row is always '0' and it keeps increasing if there are more than one row with the same effective date. For a different effective date, the sequence again starts from zero.

In scenarios such as restart activities or correction processes, where a new DHS case is created for the additional process, a new row will be added under the Case Details in the I-9 Master.

If the effective date is the same, the effective sequence will increase by one for each new row added. If the effective date is different, a new row will be created with the new effective date and the effective sequence will start from zero.

Example: with same effective date, a new effective sequence row is added

What reports can you print from the I-9 Master?

Audit Report

The I-9 Audit Report includes various fields detailing the Form I-9 change history, such as the business process associated with the invitation, I-9 participants in Section 1, Section 2, and Supplement B, actions performed, Form I-9 data including signatures, and more.

To print the Audit Report through the I-9 Master:

Open the I-9 Master page for the specific I-9 ID and click on the "Audit Report" icon at the bottom right corner of the page

I-9 Audit Report

Form I-9 (Employee Version)

This is to print the I-9 Section 1 information and Supplement A for preparer/translator certification. The Supplement A will be shown in the print only if preparers/translators are used in Section 1.

Open the I-9 Master page for the specific I-9 ID and click on the "Form I-9" icon at the bottom right corner of the page.

Form I-9 Employer Version

The employer print version includes all sections of I-9 such as Section 1, Section 2, Supplement A and Supplement B. The Supplement A will be shown in the print only if preparers/translators are used in Section 1.

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