I-9 Progress
What details are included in the I-9 Progress?
The I-9 Progress section displays the status of I-9 and DHS activities within the process, indicating whether they are routed, not routed, saved, signed, or completed. It also includes the system-generated I-9 Case Identifier when the process is routed to the E-Verify activity, along with the Case Number that is generated when an E-Verify case is created for the transaction.
Where to check New Hire's I-9 Progress in the I-9 Summary?
The I-9 Summary features a section that tracks the New Hire's I-9 progress. It displays the current status of Section 1, Section 2, and DHS E-Verify, reflecting each stage of the I-9 process. This section includes details such as the status, the name of the user who completed each activity, and the date of the initial signing, regardless of any subsequent edits and signatures. Additionally, it provides the system-generated I-9 Case Identifier upon completion of the Section 2 activity and routing to the E-Verify activity, as well as the Case Number assigned when an E-Verify case is created.
Example: When the I-9 Case Identifier is generated upon completing Section 2 and the process advances to the E-Verify activity, the I-9 Progress section will display the I-9 Case Identifier accordingly. Until the E-Verify case is generated, the Case Number will be shown as "No cases found," as illustrated in the screenshot below.
After the E-Verify case is created, the case number generated will reflect in the I-9 Summary.
How the statuses in the I-9 Progress change as the New Hire's I-9 advances through the process?
As the New Hire's I-9 progresses through the process, any status changes in the I-9 or DHS activities will be reflected in the I-9 Progress section of the I-9 Summary. The I-9 Life Cycle also offers a visual representation of the sequential states of the I-9/DHS state details of the transaction, starting with the initial I-9 activity in Section 1 and continuing through Section 2 and DHS processing. For further insights into the I-9 Life Cycle, please click here.
Below, various scenarios of new hire workflows are detailed, outlining the step-by-step changes in the I-9 Progress.
New Hire end-to-end flow
Consider a New Hire's invitation with I-9 Section 1 saved. The Section 1 status under I-9 Progress will be displayed as "Saved" along with the date stamp as shown below.
Once the New Hire completes Section 1, the signed status and date will be displayed in the I-9 Progress. Meanwhile, the status for Section 2 and DHS E-Verify will remain as "Not Routed".
After the New Hire submits the process to HR, the I-9/DHS status will update to "Awaiting Section 2," but the Section 2 status in the I-9 Progress will remain as "Not Routed."
When Section 2 is routed, the Section 2 status in the I-9 Progress will be updated to "Pending".
When Section 2 is saved, the saved status and the date will be updated under Section 2.
After Section 2 is electronically signed, the signed status and date will be updated under Section 2. The I-9 Case Identifier will be generated and updated in the below section.
Once the E-Verify case is created, the DHS Case Number is updated, and the status under DHS E-Verify changes to "Initiated".
As the process advances through E-Verify processing, the change in the DHS statuses will be reflected in the I-9/DHS status section.
If the E-Verify is finalized in the system, the E-Verify status will be completed.
New Hire end-to-end flow with preparer/translator used in Section 1 & remote user in Section 2
When Section 1 is saved by the New Hire with a preparer added, the saved status and date will be recorded under Section 1 in the I-9 Progress.
After Preparer/translator completes the Section 1 activity, the status still remain as "Saved". This will be updated to signed only when the New Hire completes the electronic signature.
Once the New Hire completes the Section 1 signature, the signed status along with the date reflects under Section 1:
After the New Hire submits the process to HR, the process state will update to "Awaiting Section 2" and the Section 2 status will be "Not Routed".
When Section 2 is routed, the Section 2 status will update to "Pending":
After Section 2 is assigned to a remote user, the process state will change to "Awaiting Remote I-9":
When the activity is saved by the remote user, the process state remains same but Section 2 in the I-9 Progress will be updated to "Saved".
After the Section 2 activity completed by the remote user and review pending by the I-9 Specialist:
When the I-9 Specialist completes the review of Section 2, the signed status and date will be updated under Section 2. The DHS E-Verify status will be changed to "Pending". Additionally, the I-9 Case Identifier will be generated and reflected in the following section.
After the E-Verify case is created and the Case Number is generated, the DHS E-Verify status will be updated to "Initiated". As the E-Verify processing advances, the corresponding DHS status will be updated accordingly in these sections.
Document receipt in Section 2
If the employee presents a receipt, which is recorded in Section 2, or has applied for an SSN, E-Verify will be temporarily on hold (marked as complete in E-Verify activity) until the original documents are provided for the receipt or until the employee receives their SSN and updates it in the system. Such transactions will be in "DHS Verification Deferred" state as shown in this example.
Before marking E-Verify activity as complete, the I-9 Summary shows as below:
After marking the E-Verify activity as complete, the DHS E-Verify will be updated to the "Deferred" state.
For some I-9 processes like Receipt Update, Name Change, Name Change Correction, Reverification, Reverification Correction and Rehire flows, all the I-9 sections may not be applicable. In such cases, the status in the I-9 progress shows as 'Not Applicable' for those sections that are not related.
Few examples are given below:
Supplement B - Reverification and Name Change
For Supplement B - Reverification and Name Change processes, the I-9 Progress will display only the Section 1, Section 2, and Supplement B sections. In this scenario, the DHS E-Verify section will not be shown in the I-9 Progress, as it is not applicable. Additionally, the statuses for Section 1 and Section 2 activities will be marked as "Not Applicable" for the Supplement B process.
When Supplement B activity is saved, the saved status and date will reflect under Supplement B.
After completing the Supplement B activity, the signed status and date will be updated.
Supplement B - Rehire
For the rehire process, Supplement B section will appear in the I-9 Progress instead of Section 2 as Section 2 is not applicable.
When Supplement B is saved, the saved status and date will reflect under Supplement B.
After completing the Supplement B activity, the corresponding activity status will update to "Signed" and the DHS E-Verify status changes to "Pending".
Rehire transactions will not go through E-Verify processing since the I-9 information is same as the previously completed Form I-9. Therefore, E-Verify is not applicable and can be completed by simply marking the activity as complete.
The final status updates after E-Verify is shown below:
Section 2 Correction/Receipt Update
When the process for Section 2 Correction or receipt update is initiated, the I-9 Section 1 status in the I-9 Progress will be "Not Applicable" and Section 2 will be in pending.
When Section 2 is completed, the corresponding activity status will updated to "Signed" and the DHS E-Verify status will change to "Pending" if the E-Verify activity is chosen in the process.
After the E-Verify case is created, the Case Number gets updated and the status and date under DHS E-Verify will be updated. Once the E-Verify is finalized, the DHS E-Verify status will change to "Completed".
If E-Verify activity is not opted in the Section 2 Correction process, the DHS E-Verify status will appear as "Not Routed" after completing Section 2:
If E-Verify activity is opted in Section 2 Correction process but the activity is completed by marking it as completed, the transaction will be in "DHS Verification Not Applicable" state. An example is provided below:.
Before completing Section 2, the transaction will be in "Awaiting DHS Verification" state and the DHS E-Verify under I-9 Progress will reflect "Pending" status.
Upon completion of the E-Verify activity by marking it as complete, the transaction will be in "DHS Verification Not Applicable" state, and the DHS E-Verify status under I-9 Progress will display "Completed" status.
Force completion of process
In this example, the process is force completed after Section 1 activity is saved. The I-9 Summary after saving the Section 1 activity is given below:
If the process is force completed, the terminated status will be indicated in the I-9 Progress for any incomplete activities. Additionally, a note will be displayed, indicating that the process has been force completed, and further actions on the transaction are not allowed.
Process termination
In this example, the process is terminated after Section 1 activity is saved. The I-9 Summary after saving the Section 1 activity is given below:
If the process is terminated, the status will be reflected in the I-9 Progress for any incomplete activities. Additionally, a note will be displayed, indicating that the process has been terminated, and further actions on the transaction are not allowed.
Process termination using "Undo Last Filing" action
The "Undo Last Filing" action can be performed from the I-9 Console or through the Keyword Search Employee Life Cycle actions for additional I-9 processes initiated by the I-9 Specialist, such as Reverification, Name Change, or Section 2 Correction. It can also be performed on self-service actions initiated by the New Hire, including I-9 Legal Name Change, I-9 Reverification, I-9 Section 1 Correction, or SSN Update.
In this example Section 2 Correction process is terminated after saving the Section 2 activity.
When the process is terminated using "Undo Last Filing" action, the transaction will be in "Undone Filing" state and the terminated status will be reflected for any pending activities. Additionally, a note will be displayed stating that the process has been terminated.
Process or activity restart
Process Restart from the Invitation Console:
In this example, an invitation process is restarted by the HR Specialist from the Invitation Console after completing the Section 1 activity.
Before restart, the I-9 Summary page will be as below.
After the restarting the process, the transaction will be in "Add Entry" state and the Section 1 status under the I-9 Progress will be displayed as "Not Routed".
After Section 1 is saved/signed in the restarted process, the status under Section 1 will be updated accordingly. Furthermore, the date for the activity from the previous flow will be replaced with the new signed date. As you proceed with the rest of the process, the save/signed statuses and dates will be displayed under their respective sections.
When Section 1 is saved:
Section 1 signature is completed:
When Section 2 is saved:
Section 2 signature is completed:
After creating the E-Verify case:
The DHS statuses will be updated in the summary as you proceed further with the E-Verify processing.
Activity Restart from the Invitation Console:
In this example, the HR Specialist restarts the Employee Biographic Information activity after employee completes the HR submit.
Before restarting the Employee Biographic Information activity, the I-9 summary after completing the Submit to HR activity looks like the following:
After restarting the Employee Biographic Information activity, the transaction will be in "Awaiting Section 1" state and the Section 1 status under I-9 Progress will be updated to "Pending".
When Section 1 is signed, the status and the new signed date is updated under Section 1 as highlighted below. The new dates for Section 2 and DHS E-Verify will be updated once these activities are navigated to and completed.
Restart Form I-9 from E-Verify 'Unconfirmed Data' status
Restart EBI:
Before restarting the Employee Biographic Information activity, the I-9 progress looks like below:
After restarting the Employee Biographic Information, Section 1 status changes to "Pending" but the Section 2 signature information from the previous process remains unchanged.
If home or residence state is modified in the Employee Biographic Information, there will be an impact on the downstream activities. Based on the modified residence state, the New Hire must redo the tax forms and other payroll activities before submitting the onboarding information to HR.
After updating the state of residence and completing Employee Biographic Information, the Section 1 status remains as pending, while the Section 2 signature information is updated to "Not Routed".
After the New Hire completes the Section 1 activity, the status will be updated to "Signed" and the new signed date will be recorded.
When New Hire completes Submit to HR:
When the process routed to the I-9 Specialist to complete Section 2 activity, the Section 2 status will be updated to "Pending":
After completing Section 2:
Since this is a restarted process and there is an existing E-Verify case for the employee with the same SSN from the previous flow, the E-Verify system will detect a duplicate case before creating a new employee case. The E-Verify Specialist must provide a valid reason for restarting the process and then proceed with the further verification steps.
Restart Form I-9 Section 1:
Before restarting Form I-9 Section 1, the I-9 progress for the process looks like below:
After restarting Section 1, the status under Section 1 in the I-9 Progress changes to "Pending" but the Section 2 signature information from the previous process remains unchanged.
After the New Hire completes the Section 1 activity, the Section 1 status will be updated to "Signed" and the new signed date will be recorded. The status under Section 2 will be updated to "Pending".
After Section 2 is completed by the I-9 Specialist:
Note: Since this is a restarted process and there is an existing E-Verify case for the employee with the same SSN from the previous flow, the E-Verify system will detect a duplicate case before creating a new employee case. The E-Verify Specialist must provide a valid reason for restarting the process and then proceed with the further verification steps.
When the E-Verify case is created and the employee's case verification is in progress:
Restart Section 2:
Before restarting Section 2, the I-9 progress for the process looks like below:
After restarting Section 2, the status under Section 2 and E-Verify in the I-9 Progress changes to "Pending".
After Section 2 is completed by the I-9 Specialist, the signed status and date will be updated accordingly:
Note: Since this is a restarted process and there is an existing E-Verify case for the employee with the same SSN from the previous flow, the E-Verify system will detect a duplicate case before creating a new employee case. The E-Verify Specialist must provide a valid reason for restarting the process and then proceed with the further verification steps.
When the E-Verify case is created and the employee's case verification is in progress:
Legal Entities not participating in E-Verify
If the Legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) responsible for the employee's hiring is not registered for E-Verify (which implies that the corresponding Company or Business Unit doesn't have DHS Client Setup configuration), the process will not route to the E-Verify activity. In this scenario, the I-9 Progress within the summary will reflect the "Not Applicable" status under DHS E-Verify. The same "Not Applicable" status will also be displayed in the Case Number and I-9 Case Identifier.
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